Lifestyle of Pharaoh’s and History Of Pharaoh’s Death in Detail

in LifeStyle3 years ago


A Brief History Of The Last Egyptian Dictator- Pharaoh(Firon) Life & Death
(Fir’aun)Pharaoh was an Egyptian king. He was the most wicked dictator ever existed on this earth. He was very selfish and arrogant. He was also very rude and atheist. He had so much ego and arrogance that he forced the people of his time to believe and worship him as a god.

It is believed that the pharaoh’s death was the most tragedic death on this earth. He started considering himself as the creator of this world.
According to many researchers, it is a miracle for scientists to see a well preserved dead corpse even after centuries.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille one of the heads of researchers in France got a chance to conduct research on the dead mummy of Pharaoh after the late French president Fransisco Mitra took over France in1981.


The people of France appealed to the Egyptian government to organize the display of the mummy of Pharaoh for laboratory and archaeological examinations.

The French president and all misters were the royal attendants who bowed in respect before the mummy. After the ceremony the mummy was taken to the archaeology center of France into a specially-designed sector. Then it was brought under observation and tests by the greatest French archaeologists, anatomical scientists for further study and discovery of such a grandmummy.

When they received the mummy, they conducted several examinations as to how the dead body has still been preserved?
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Later they came to know that the body had drowned in the sea and hence the salt remains were found.

Professor Maurice Bucaille was the head of the scientist’s team. He was mainly concerned about the reason behind the death of mummy’s death! Late night the report was out from the results of analysis of the mummy’s body.
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It was mentioned in the report that the leftover salts in mummy is an unconcealed evidence that it was drawn in the sea, and the body was escaped very shortly and then saved.

The French government returned the body back to Egypt.

Dr. Maurice was still not satisfied with the results of the experiment. He had more questions and wanted to know more about what happened during the death of Pharaoh.

From this conversation, one can get a clear picture of Pharaoh’s self-centered nature.


“when moses came to them with clear signs,they said this is nothing but sorcery faked up:never did we hear the like among our fathers of old!”
Moses said: “my lord knows the best who it is that comes with guidance from him and whose end will be best in the hereafter:certain it is that the wrong doers will not prosper”
Pharaoh said: “O chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself: therefore,O Haman! Light me out of clay, and build me a lofty place,that I may mount uo to the god of Moses:but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar!”

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