Studies have shown that men who are not good at female sex, do not smoke or drink, have these four characteristics and are not ordinary people.

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Food and libido, this is what everyone needs. Because food is to maintain our bodily functions, but what about sexual desire? That is the basic behavior of human reproduction.

Of the five main human needs, we can find that human safety needs and human physiological needs are the two most basic needs.

Without food and money, people would have no basis for survival, so how can we talk about feeling safe?

Without sexual desire and desire, how do people vent their physiological needs and how to make genes go on?

Even the "Book of Rites" also records such a sentence: "To eat men and women, people have great desires."

These two basic desires are food and people's love between man and woman.

And in life, we can find that some people seem to dislike "later" and have an aversion and indifference to "later."

Especially some men, they don't like women, they don't drink alcohol, and they are completely "clean-hearted and humble-hearted."

In that case, many people will wonder, Many men in this life are advocates of tobacco and alcohol, and some people are still addicted to "female sex." Why do some men dislike both?

In fact, men hate female sex and do not like smoking or drinking, which proves that this man has a special psychology that no one else knows.

Men who are not women and do not smoke or drink alcohol are more disciplined

The ancients said: "Heroes are sad because of beauty."

Tobacco, alcohol and female sex, these are men's preferences. Because tobacco and alcohol are the catharsis of male mental disorders, and female sex is the dream of men in this life.

No matter how old a man is, in fact, men cannot stand the temptations of female sex, tobacco and alcohol. The two of them, like standard items for men, clung to the side of a man.

Although most men can't get rid of this very attractive contaminant. However, there will always be more "weird" people to get rid of.

This kind of "freak" is actually the "self-discipline" of life.

They are aware of the dangers of female sex and tobacco and alcohol, and they will urge themselves not to be contaminated. Even the slightest touch would make them feel very uncomfortable.

It can be said that men who are not women and who do not smoke or drink alcohol are more self-disciplined and have very human rational thinking.

Men who are not women and do not smoke or drink have principles

In life, we usually find that some men only know how to use their lower body to think about problems, so they often make some principled mistakes.

It's like some married men who have families, they can't resist the temptation of wild flowers, they end up going in the wrong direction and ruining their own family.

The so-called "never forget the past, future teacher."

Those who are aware of the crimes of the "female sex" and the dangers of "tobacco and alcohol" have drawn certain unbreakable lines and principles for themselves.

People with these limits and principles, they feel like "heterogeneous", they can't be approached easily, and they can't be easily seduced.

You know, women of the female sex, tobacco and alcohol, it's easy to make people messy. Only when one has the essence and principles in mind can one avoid unnecessary harm.

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Men who don't like women and don't smoke or drink, know how to save their lives

Some historical researchers have found that most of the emperors and nobles in history had "enjoyed and indulged" uncontrollably, in the end they could only end up dying prematurely.

Not that "female sex" and "tobacco and alcohol" will definitely bring great harm to humans, but if the use of both exceeds a certain level, it will cause unnecessary problems for humans.

On the Internet, there are stories like that. The manager of a private company had long been exposed to female sex, tobacco and alcohol, so he retired early when he was almost fifty.

In addition, after leaving work, he also smoothly avoided female sex, tobacco and alcohol. At that time, his health was already in a precarious state, and no matter how much he could make up for it, it would be useless.

Therefore, as people saw more of these cases, they would gradually "save lives". Because the two things above are still more important than life.

Most men who are not close to women sex, tobacco and alcohol, dare not make jokes about health, and they also know how "health".

Sivana East

Men who dislike women and don't drink alcohol or tobacco have a pure heart.

Talking about "health care," actually with the gradual development of material life, most people will choose to live healthily.

Excessive exposure to tobacco and alcohol is clearly very unhealthy. The reason is, excessive amounts of alcohol and tobacco are enough to make people fall into a deep abyss.

And people who are tainted by tobacco and alcohol have a characteristic feature of having so many desires in their hearts that they all lose their rationality and have absolutely no control over their behavior.

As a result, the habit of smoking and drinking excessive alcohol as well as excessive sexual pleasure in women will make a hole in the bodies of these people.

After realizing this, there will be kind of people like "monks and daos" in this world, they are "clean-hearted people with little desire" in life.

Most people will feel confused. A man becomes pure hearted and unwilling. What thoughts and inner changes did he have?

In this case, someone once wrote: "Behind everything that is submitted, there is an unforgettable experience."

A pure hearted person and a humble person must be like this. It is precisely because they are injured and suffer a loss in certain aspects, that is why they will abandon tobacco and alcohol and beauty and become people who lack desire.


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Thanks to share. I am not an ordinary woman. I like your post. Have a nice day.

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