Bonnie and Clyde

in LifeStyle3 years ago


"Bonnie and Clyde" can be said to be the recognized originator of road films. The film has a certain groundbreaking significance in terms of its conception and storytelling, and the era when the film was born is also an era of turmoil. In such an era, with such a film, the reputation can naturally achieve a remarkable effect.

"Bonnie and Clyde" tells the story of two robbers born during the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s, Bonnie and Clyde. Both of them are idle people at the bottom. Bonnie is a restaurant. Clyde is a thief, and the two met by chance when Clyde was about to steal Bonnie’s mother’s car. As a result, the two hit it off and finally decided to go hand in hand. The way they make a living is also very simple and rude, that is, robbery, looting constantly.

Bonnie and Clyde met another interesting car repairer Moss on the way to the robbery, so the three of them went together by appointment, and later the Clyde family was added to the army. As a result, the five-member gang began their own wandering journey.

One of the main reasons why this film has received universal acclaim from the public comes from the special attributes of this special film in a special period. On the surface, this is a story about two robbers who robbed along the way. There is no doubt that, judging by the current eyes, this must be a group of bad guys. They should be punished by law, not the acclaim in literary creation. However, it is not difficult to find out why the audience has a special love for this film when we are brought into the film.

The age when Bonnie and Clyde traveled together coincided with the era of the Great Depression in the United States. The cause of the Great Depression is simple, that is, the economic policies pursued by the federal government are completely bankrupt, and the capitalists did not take care of the lives of the people at the bottom. On the contrary, because of the economic depression, the gap between the rich and the poor between the capitalists and the people has become more obvious. In this context, the social order does not consider ordinary people, but still uses the current system to suppress any low-level people who are on the verge of bankruptcy but want to resist. Thus, Bonnie and Clyde were born.

It is also a criminal act, as long as it is attached to a certain degree of reasonableness, this kind of criminal act will not be regarded as violence but will be praised. A typical example is that two people did not rob the individuals in the bank during the process of robbing the bank. It was just against the government at the time instead of putting violence on the people. Therefore, Bonnie and Clyde gained the "likes" of the people at the time. Although this kind of liking is a pathological manifestation, the instigator of this manifestation was the inaction of the US federal government at that time.


When the federal government cannot effectively solve the people's living problems, the people will rise up to resist. However, during the economic crisis, the government is safeguarding the interests of capitalists, which naturally arouses people's dissatisfaction. The appearance of Bonnie and Clyde represented a shot that the people fired at the capitalists. This shot to a certain extent demonstrated the people's courage to resist the capitalists, and at the same time gave the ordinary people a sigh of relief.

The other main reason lies in the era when the film was born. The 1960s was the most active era of global liberalism. This era was dissatisfied and confronted with any government organization. The most direct way of confrontation in the literary and artistic circles is the rise of French New Wave movies and a series of accompanying actions in Europe under the influence of the French New Wave movement. The United States, which is far away from the European continent, is naturally unwilling to fall behind. This unwillingness to fall behind has gradually formed a new kind of liberalism among the masses. This kind of liberalism is combined with the anti-war thoughts and international communism at that time, and slowly There is the kind of anti-all thinking in this film.

Recall the reason why Bonnie and Clyde were combined is because of the classic line "Dare and Don't Dare". Because of this line, the two of them started a series of crazy behaviors coincidentally. This kind of crazy behavior is a true portrayal of the 1960s in a certain sense. When people who advocate freedom become fearless, then nothing can stop themselves.

Obviously, the ending of the film did not develop in an unrestricted way. The death of the two people also indicates that the end of liberalism must be the direct intervention of the federal government. However, this direct intervention did not make Bonnie and Clyde's image have any disappearance. On the contrary, the two of them became classics because of this. It is unforgettable. In the mystery of the sixties, the correct answer is still a dead end. puzzle.


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