
Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

If you choose to use somebody else's content, that's up to you. I've warned you but I can't make you listen so I won't warn you again - you'll just have to accept the consequences knowing that things could have been different.

but the content creator has given rights for his work to be used by the public without any infringement, so the copyright and plagiarism clause has been removed from his work allowing it to be used by others as content with no illegalities , the work itself is in a public domain which states these facts.

Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

You are passing somebody elses work and ideas off as your own. By definition, this is plagiarism.

Plagiarism Concerns
Few PLR sales sites actually create the content they provide. Instead they use third parties to either write it or purchase the rights themselves. Unfortunately, even with the best due diligence and plagiarism detection techniques, there is almost no way to completely vet a work as being plagiarism-free.

The work could easily be an unlawful derivative that defies easy detection, it could be taken from something not yet online elsewhere or it could just be that the content is so heavily resold as PLR content that finding the original author is almost impossible.

However, if the work does turn out to be infringing and it appears on your site with your name, it’s pretty obvious who will be the first to get the letter and legal threats.

Source -

copy and go check the article i posted it is plagiarism free. the content was inspired by the original creator but the phrasing and wording is different.

Large chunks are word for word. You haven't referenced any sources, passing the work off as your own. Putting somebody else's work through a couple of translators is also plagiarism.

Your beginning is copied from here -

It's plagiarised. Inspiration is exactly that, inspiration. Not copy and pasted, changing a few words to trick a plagiarism tool.

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