Sovereign time!

in LifeStyle4 years ago

There are two main reasons why we should take care of the South China Sea: one is the route of many countries with India's trade interests through the South China Sea; And secondly, there is 1100 crore barrels of oil in this area.

What is the year 2020 given to the year 2021?

Two things can be said for sure on this question. Do a course. And the second is China's problem. We love to talk about the first of these. I mean, two Indian vaccines (two?), How hard did you stop this company, etc. The performance of our government is great. The government is right in saying that it is succeeding to a large extent in preventing the spread of this virus. So you don't mind slapping your government on the back.

We just have to appreciate the countries around us. They should be applauded too. These poor countries (with the exception of Pakistan, of course) have no one like them on the international stage and Dimti has no friendly media. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get four words of appreciation. So when you wave your Aarti, there is no problem in naming these countries. Turkmenistan, for example, does not yet have a single corona patient and therefore no corona deaths. In neighboring Tajikistan, only 91 people were killed and 13,174 were affected. In far-flung Uzbekistan, only 78,556 people became infected with the corona, and only 621 survived. You know Afghanistan as well. Corona affected 54,891 people in that country. But the death toll is only 2,397. Pakistan, dear to all of us. 5 lakh 37 thousand 477 people were killed in that country. 11,450 Pakistanis died. In Nepal, about 270,375 crores fell ill. 2020 deaths. The happiest person in Bhutan is Karona who died. 856 people were affected. There are only 8,072 coronal victims in our neighboring country whom we call 'Bangladeshis'. Also from more than 5,33,400 coroners. In the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, etc.), there are only 811 cases of coronary heart disease and 2,89,086 cases. Myanmar is also our eastern neighbor. In that country, Corona killed 1,38,802 people. But only 3089 lives could not be saved. Thailand is the easiest on your tourist list. In that country, only 16,221 people were infected with corona, and 76 of them died. The highest is Vietnam. Only 1,553 people in that country were infected. Only 35 of them were separated. Many such examples can be given.

The purpose of giving it is to make us realize that there is an efficient government in this country just like ours. They may not be happy. But there is little to appreciate. In the sense that the World Health Organization gives so much detail to these countries, that information must be true. Anyway.

So last year's corona has grown on our plate this year as well. Even though your heart swells when you hear the glorious story of how you got rid of it, you don't seem to notice much of the other Chinese-named food on this plate.

Your External Affairs Minister Jaishankar (on the go: Corona virus is as lucky as it is. The Prime Minister speaks directly about it. In that respect, China is unlucky. Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, anonymous Defense Minister, etc. can be heard on it. Anyway.) Relations between the two countries have come to a standstill (Jaishankar said 'at crossroads'). That is, they may be different, he said. In short, we may no longer put President Xi Jinping to bed or drink coconut water. We have to be so strict when it comes to infiltration in the Galvan Valley, some recent skirmishes or news of Chinese settlements in our border areas.

But the real question in this context is how China reacts to all its tough, self-respecting positions. The government will not touch him, we have to think about it. It is a question of how much we depend on the government. The government will see where!

Last week, on January 22, China approved a new Coast Guard law and announced that it would be implemented. This incident is so important that no one from our government has even reacted to it. Even our highly learned External Affairs Minister Jaishankar was not found to have commented on it. Tweets etc. have not been checked to see who owns it; But if that was the case, it would have been reported. I haven't read anything like that yet.

China's top National People's Congress passed the law last week. The law was also passed by the Standing Committee of the Congress. Under the new law, China has declared itself the sole guardian of the security of the South China Sea and its environs. According to the law, the neighboring country has the right to take military action against anyone in that sea who "threatens China's national security, national interests and sovereignty." This means that the country has challenged Japan's sovereignty in the East Sea, and from the South China Sea, China has thrown shaddows against many countries.

After reading this, some people may think that they used to carry so much of the South China Sea, why should they care so long when we are so scared of China at our own door. There are two main reasons for this: the South China Sea is the route of many countries with their trade interests. And secondly, the area has 1.1 trillion barrels of oil and 1.9 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. China does not want anyone to be a partner in such a huge energy source. The country insists that all this should be for us.

And the main thing is that in a country like Vietnam, a company like ONGC Videsh runs big contracts. Even before this law came into force, China began to obstruct the work of its ONGC. Vietnam also complained to us. There is no way to know how angry you are with China over that. But now that is not even a possibility. This is because China has declared sovereign ownership of the area.

Sovereign leader, sovereign country. The world seems to be in the grip of such sovereigns.

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