How love works?

in LifeStyle3 years ago


Long story short, love is a state of deep feeling caused by a combination of certain chemicals, neurotransmitters and hormones. Specifically, we are talking about oxytocin, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.

Once we have established this point of view, let's answer the first question. Does love at first sight even exist? Apparently the brain takes about from 30 seconds to 4 minutes to decide whether the genes of the other human are worth reproducing. However, love is a more complex process and it varies with time. We can divide it into three main stages: desire, infatuation, and attachment. Let's take a look at each of them.

Stage I - desire

Desire is the most biologically simple phenomenon, because it is driven by sex hormones. Research shows that men are more interested in women with a symmetrical face, full mouth, large breasts, wide hips (compared to the waist) and hourglass shape, because statistically women with these characteristics are more fertile. Let's take a look at a fairly interesting phenomenon that occurs on porn sites. According to PornHub statistics, the most popular category on the site is "Teen" - this is not a random observation, as youth is the greatest sign of fertility. On the other hand, women prefer men with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, which symbolizes safety. An equally important aspect is a healthy looking face because it signals a strong immune system which is the most desirable human trait.

Stage II - infatuation

The stage in which we are deeply in love and we think of nothing but our partner. This stage is accompanied by the release of three specific neurotransmitters: adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin.

Adrenaline and cortisol - also known as the stress hormone - are released in our body during the first few weeks of the relationship. We sweat, experience increased heart rate and dry mouth when we are near our loved one. What's more, dopamine is released in our body, which leads to an improvement in mood and the feeling of pleasure. Finally, the release of serotonin causes a kind of restriction of our view of the world to one person.

Stage III - attachment

This stage is the most important stage of love, it is at this stage that a strong bond is created between two people, which is sometimes able to connect them for life. Oxytocin and vasopressin are responsible for the feeling of attachment. Both oxytocin and vasopressin compounds are released in men and women body during kissing, cuddling and sex. Currently, there is a consensus among scientists that couples who have more sexual intercourse have stronger bonds and relationships. As mentioned, sex is not the only factor in creating attachment. It is amazing how important role even a simple touch of a loved one can play here - it is responsible for the attachment stage following the secretion of oxytocin. Interestingly, this effect also accompanies the formation of a bond with our pet.

Such a presentation of the image of love may at first glance perceive its magic and romanticism, but the awareness of the processes that accompany our relationships in no way changes the ties with the people we have created over the years and we are proud of.



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