What is art?

in LifeStyle3 years ago


Since the principle of art has not been confirmed, it is not possible to give a definite answer to this question. One thing is certain, however, that art exists.

Of course, before the knowledge of art is established, it is still necessary to cast some doubt on its existence, and in doubt to further confirm the relevant knowledge - to define it. This is a basic principle.

Doubt does not mean denial. In fact, the construction of artistic knowledge is based on an initial distinction between art and non-art. This distinction is also the distinction between poetry and non-poetry, and the knowledge of art lies in confirming the essence of art - poetry.

Although this distinction has always existed, it is very difficult to confirm it. It is determined by the transcendence that is the characteristic of poetry, and the transcendence-poetry in art exists non-exclusively, so that the distinction itself is extremely subtle, let alone the knowledge to confirm it.

Of course, not all people are aware of this distinction, only a very few are, and even fewer want to confirm the essence of this distinction.

When the knowledge of art fails to be confirmed, then the corresponding art education cannot be developed. This is because established artistic experiences, although they exist, are necessarily suspect without intellectual confirmation. Likewise, art education without reliable knowledge is unsustainable.

Existing art education is in this dilemma, and to escape from it, art education must be transformed from a transfer of experience to a transfer of knowledge.

Thus, the only way out is to confirm the knowledge of art from the experience of art, and if this cannot be achieved, then the universal education of art is impossible; and if it can be confirmed, how is it achieved?

Let us now reveal the process of such confirmation in order to show that knowledge of art exists and is universally valid knowledge.

The basic fact of artistic creation is that the artist makes artistic expression based on inspiration. Thus, the question of what art is can actually be developed into the following questions.

  1. What is inspiration?

  2. How does artistic expression take place - what is the technique?

  3. What is the final expression of art?

The fact that the principle of art has not been confirmed means that these three questions have not been answered, and it is significant whether these three questions can be answered. For once unanswered, the following questions exist.

  1. It is doubtful whether art exists, which is obviously not conducive to artistic creation. At the same time, if the nature of art is not confirmed, then there is no such thing as artistic creation.

  2. Artists always create art based on talent, but if they rely on talent alone, then artistic creativity is bound to be weak and directionless.

Here again, what is talent? (a) For art, talent consists of two aspects: the ability to grasp inspiration and the ability to express it.

  1. Is artistic expression just a matter of technique? If it is not just a technical issue, what else is important?

In fact, as long as these questions are answered, it is tantamount to confirming the knowledge of art.

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