Steps in Dealing with Fear of Failure

in LifeStyle4 years ago

Hello steemians, it has really been a while, today we will be talking about fear of failures and various ways to change your point of view on them.

We are often conditioned by the fear of failure, as if the absence of it guarantees success. In reality, the lack of failure is equivalent to not taking risks, a necessary condition for achieving significant success.

Here are some actions that if taken will help you get rid of the fear of failure or feel inadequate.

However, there are some ways to learn how to reduce the fear of failure.

Here Are Some Food For Thought To Change Your Point Of View In The Face Of The Fear Of Making Mistakes:


Accept Your Mistakes

Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychologist, has identified a typical way of thinking of successful people which consists in accepting one's mistakes as necessary to achieve success. They do not immediately blame themselves for the mistakes they make, on the contrary they see them as an opportunity to start from to guide the next attempts towards success.

Change your point of view: avoid associating failure with yourself , but rather see it as information that comes from the experience or situation you are going through. In this way the mistake will become something useful that will serve you to continue in the right direction until you reach your goal.


Get Help

We are often afraid to ask for help because we feel it makes us less competent in the eyes of others. We view the request for help as a kind of failure, because we don't know everything there is to know.

Change your point of view: First of all, start thinking about how you feel when someone asks you for help. This will most likely please you; feel appreciated and therefore eager to help. So try to ask for help, when you need it, from a person you know or respect, imagining how that person will feel good and valued in helping you.


Learn to Say “NO” to others

We often say yes to everyone avoid conflict, but think for a minute how you are getting used to these people who will end up considering your precious time as little value : they will get the idea that you are at their service, that their needs are more important than yours and that you are unable to negotiate the things that are important to you.

Change your point of view: Learn to respond differently, starting with the little things you don't want to do, rather than doing them forcefully. Try to answer with the phrase: “I would like but I can't”, referring to another moment, when you feel that you can and that you will, rather than saying yes to everything. You will see that you will feel stronger.


Learn to Say “YES” to yourself

Often, we are afraid to say yes to ourselves, to the opportunity that arises, to friends and colleagues who have believed in us, because that yes means uncertainty - but also the possibility of enormous growth and success. Saying yes can be scarier than saying no.

Change your point of view: In those cases, focus on all the great things that may happen , instead of negatively fueling all the bad things that could happen. Try to imagine the scenario beyond the problem, when you will manage to be there, to all the benefits you will have, once you have overcome the obstacle.


Avoid the Fundamental Attribution Error

It is the mistake that people often make in blaming themselves rather than their behavior. We often say "I failed because I am unable" instead of "I failed because I did not work hard enough".

Change your point of view : Stop playing the victim and instead identify the behavior that leads you in the direction of making the situation worse . For example, avoid getting involved, avoid not asking for help, avoid mental jerks that are not based on any data of reality, etc. and try to work on this.


Do Not Think You Are the Only One to Make Mistakes On The Face Of the Earth

Remember that everyone makes mistakes several times a day; we just can’t point it out every time. It is for this reason that sometimes we think we are more wrong than the people around us. Smart people make mistakes on purpose. Take scientists for example. All human evolution is based on the principles of scientific research, which happens by trial and error. The best scientists try to be as wrong as possible, because they want their results to be as accurate as possible. This allows each of us to benefit from their mistakes.

Change your point of view: Get out of your comfort zone . Act as if you were a scientist and take small risks every day, even trying to make small voluntary mistakes and see if others notice and point it out to you. This will help you build your confidence and immunize yourself against error. Gradually you will see that you will feel more immune to error.


Turn Fear into Action

Often the fear of making mistakes blocks us to the point that we do nothing, remaining still, with the effect that in the end we have not done what we should have done and consequently, in one way or another, we have been wrong.

Change your point of view: Try to carve out five minutes a day thinking about the worst situation that could occur if you decide to act , getting everything wrong. What will happen? Will you be fired? Will you be isolated? Thinking about the worst will help you to go back and find solutions to the problem, to reduce your fears and to face the fear of failure in a different way.

That is it guys am sure you enjoy gained some few tricks in dealing with fear of failure watch out for my next post. Have a lovely day!!

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