
Thanks for this reminder and for spreading positive vibes, I think we all need more of that.

I tried meditation a few times but never really stuck to it. Sometimes I find a 10-ish minutes long affirmation meditations or just play some cslming, instrumental music and it really helps. :)

You're very welcome :>)

There's all kind of ways to meditate, it can even be walking ( meditation ). I'm still figuring out for myself, after a couple of years, what works best for me. I like guided meditations with a couple of minutes of talking, a short story and some minutes of silence ( focusing on breath, body or thoughts ). Walking or being in nature is pretty Zen for me too.

Have a nice weekend,


I need to upload some short guided meditations to my phone... for all those moments of overwhelm in an entrepreneurial day. Can you recommend any good free ones?

Ehm... I must admit that I mainly use ( Daily ) Calm but that one isn't free. I guess you're not on Spotify, right? The meditations on seem pretty nice and can be downloaded for free. I guess it depends on your type of phone if you can get them on there, though.

I was able to join in on the group meditation yesterday for the first time in a while. So rejuvenating. Very much needed and appreciated. 💚

Awesome! I totally understand :>)

So true! I haven’t meditated so much lately, I used to meditate daily and I can sure feel a difference. It’s harder to focus, my mind has a life of its own without me even realizing this sometimes and so on. I have started to join the group meditation though and I’ll do my best to make this a habit.

I just drew as usual ;D

still drawing actually, should probably try to finish the rigs I'm working on x_x

That can be very mindful and Zen too, depending on the topic ;>)

The topic was exasperated Twilight XD (who wasn't supposed to be the topic, I was trying to design a cecaelia because I'm pretty sure if I can have fish mers then I should be able to have octopus ones as well, and it happened instead)

Meditation is key 🙏

Beautiful and true words! ~ @agiftoflove

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