Clean Your Own House First - A Response to Ecotrains QOTW...

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

This week @eco-alex posed this question

Are 'eco-warriors' hypocrites for flying

Asking us to take it a little deeper than a "yes" or "no"
You can find the details here if you wish to join in the conversation.

holding a cut out of house All Starts At Home.jpg

I wasn't going to answer this at first, for it really didn't concern me that much and I learned awhile ago not to get agitated over such things or to set blame on anyone. I learned that it is more important to clear out my own place or doings first, before being concerned about what others are doing.

I use to belong to the environmental society and went to the meetings (I had to drive a couple of hours to get there, although I had the trip have combined purposes) and wondered why more people weren't becoming involved but as I assessed things, I found it was more effective, if I started with myself, my home base and branch out from there, supporting efforts that work towards sustainability, Eco-friendly or those that are active as Eco-warriors in their endeavors to bring about change for the good!

So in my eyes, yes, it is a bit of a hypocritical action but one should weigh what good they are doing, which may have necessitated a flight as opposed to the pollution caused from flying!

Not to sound self-righteous but solutions begin with clearing and purifying the base of where your actions come from, your mind, then every action you take will add peace to the universe, not destruction and mayhem. You will be living in peace and harmony with the earth and that will spread.

It is this, in action, that often motivates or inspires me to see others making a difference, then I see that I can do it too!

If my intentions are such that I want the world to be a better place, that I have a better life, then that is where I put my energy and will be the direction I move in!

Kudos to the eco-warriors and their efforts to make this world a better place! I am in no position to criticize them nor wish too! On to the next question...

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great point you make about weighing up the good and the bad.. that is a rather important thing to consider isnt it!

but even better point is to clean up your own house first! yes love it! thanks for being a part of QOTW, i always enjoy your posts xx

I loved what you said about clearing and purifying the base of where our actions come from. And about no judgement.

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Ummmm, of course we should limit flying, but I think it should be focused on the private jets like we focus on single driver cars.

I shouldn’t feel bad about going to a renewable energy conference when it’s the only reasonable way to get there.

I think we need to reduce everywhere in our lives, but focus on the big wins.

Policy to change our transportation infrastructure, fewer ICE cars.

Policy to change our power infrastructure, no new carbon based generation.


Whether or not you fly to Florida for vacation makes little to no difference.


I completely agree. I just made a post that says it all starts from within. When I am coaching clients and I encourage them to build a strong foundation first and then branching out. I love what you said about peace, when we radiate that peace and love we get it back! As my teacher would always say walk the talk. I try my best to have good intentions and be kind to everyone and this beautiful planet. My hope is that will spread too like you said. 😊

I'm sure it will as I can feel it whenever reading your posts or having connection with you in the group meditation sessions. It's a beautiful way to be - to be the change you want to see!

Aww that means so much to me! I am so grateful to connect with all of you. I feel the same way about you and all the people I have connected with in the group. We are all spreading the change to the world and it feels amazing 💜🙏🏻💞

wonderful response @porters, we really need to focus on what we are doing and how we are doing it. Much love to you xx

Absolutely: What someone is doing, and for what reason, should be the defining criteria should they be criticized at all. In fact, even the criticism has its own reason and purpose, which should be examined just as much.

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