Make Like A Leaf

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)


If we bear no judgement
we can receive no punishment

Imagination is creation
everything else is untrue

Here are the steps to understand:

Spend your days lost in thought, creating

Find rainbows in rocks

Know that the purr of a cat can propel your blood
that the silence of flight can give you swoon

Bury your face in a blazing bush and tickle the edge of a leaf with your nose
let it tickle you back until you blush

Tip back in a garden chair so far you see nothing but sky
so far your heart skips a beat
so far a spark of the infinite
and your breath is a flock of crows
quickening to take flight
one flap to be free

image is mine
posted in natural medicine, because I believe this to be the true healer


Amazing poetry I must admit. This is good. Well done.
I believe nature is a natural healer too.

Thank you fellow poet!


Again the crows! Are they congregating near you lately? Love the images in this. I would suggest choosing metaphor over simile in the last bit -- so much stronger if your breath is a flock of crows than like one.

such a huge difference!!!! blurring lines between human and bird, breath and flight, imagination and illusion. love it. thank you.

Crows have been in my last three poems. I am not sure of their relevance yet, but they find their way into my imagination whenever I sit down to write.

Next poem, I'll see if I can put them in the driver's seat.

Thanks for stopping by!

Check out Ted Andrews "Animal Speak" for significance of crows.

Thanks, just found this of his:

The crow is a spirit animal associated with life mysteries and magic. The power of this bird as totem and spirit guide is provide insight and means of supporting intentions. Sign of luck, it is also associated with the archetype of the trickster; be aware of deceiving appearances. If the crow has chosen you as your spirit or totem animal, it supports you in developing the power of sight, transformation, and connection with life’s magic.

Whoa, that's cool. And you're writing about the magic here.

except it's not magic. Saying it's magic puts it out of reach for many of us, as if magic is a thing only wizards possess. We are all wizards, we used to know this, and wizardry creates. Oh you have me going strong!

Actually, I'm going to go change it right now! I love that idea!

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