Photography featuring the sun

in Photography3 years ago

Here are some of my favorite pictures (created by me), featuring the sun!

I stumbled upon a contest post on Hive and it inspired me to share a couple of my best pictures featuring the sun for a bit of beauty and positivity!

I love that time around sunrise, when the mist is still covering the fields and the sun is trying to break through. It gives so many great views! It's easy to take beautiful pictures on mornings like these, like the one I've been using as a blog header for a few years now:

Silhouette sunrise playfulfoodie

The sun in the background can create beautiful silhouettes, like the picture above, but also this next one, with a farm shed:

Silhouette sunrise playfulfoodie

Both of these pictures are proudly hanging on my walls!

The next one proudly hangs in my mum's hallway:

Sunrise flowers Playfulfoodie

And a nice variation to that one, with more focus on the flowers:

Sunrise flowers Playfulfoodie

There we go, my personal favorites featuring the sun!

It's been a long time since I've taken pictures like these. It's harder for me to find the energy, or maybe I just don't make the time for it. I might have misplaced my good eye, although I don't feel it's gone completely. Maybe a bit rusty.

I should try and make time for photography again, but until such time, I will definitely enjoy the pictures I've already taken!

P.S.: All of the pictures above are created by me and available in my shop. You are not allowed to use these anywhere without my written consent and they will always require a credit back to me.

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Every shot so excellent

Beautiful photography @playfulfoodie 👌🏻

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