Mangrove forest has a special ecosystem, How do You Think?

in Photography3 years ago

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Mangrove forest has a special ecosystem, in addition to being one of the prevention of abrasion, it is a habitat for other animals. Like the mangrove forest in my city, it was still very dense, now it has shrunk a little because of inefficient city development so the panorama of mangrove forests can still be seen in my city.

Hutan manggrove memiliki ekosistem yang istimewa, selain menjadi salah satu pencegah abrasi, Ia merupakan habitat bagi hewan lainnya. Seperti hutan bakau di kota saya, dulu masih sangat lebat, kini sudah sedikit menyusut dikarenakan pembangunan kota yang tidak efisienpun begitu panorama hutan bakau masih dapat dilihat di kota saya ini.

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Interestingly, the view of the mangrove forest is more beautiful when migrating Stork's from various places come here in the afternoon. The Stork's fly and stop around the mangroves and the scenery is certainly more interesting to watch.

Menariknya, pemandangan hutan bakau semakin indah ketika migrasi bangau dari berbagai tempat datang kesini di sore hari. Bangau-bangau itu terbang dan singgah disekitaran hutan bakau dan pemandangan ini tentu saja semakin menarik untuk disaksikan.

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Lhokseumawe which is a city that is surrounded by the sea, and that is a migration destination for the Stork's, the mangrove forest beside the Cunda river is one of the special places for the Stork's habitat.

Lhokseumawe yang merupakan kota yang letaknya dikelilingi perairan menjadi destinasi migrasi bagi para bangau-bangau tersebut, hutan bakau disisi perairan sungai Cunda menjadi salah satu tempat yang istimewa bagi habitat bangau-bangau itu.

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All photos are My own Document

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