My contest entry the issue our country faces,world discussion 8/06/2021

in Steem Geography3 years ago (edited)

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Hello steemians,


My sincere greetings to everyone and all steemians,i wish to acknowledge the person of @belenguerra as the chief executive of the community indeed she's up and doing,it has been a very long time since i posted in the steemit blockchain well it just that vote are not guaranteed so therefore i fug ahead for other places i could make end,about the topic; i will say i am delighted to write on it curse i plead you stay turn why i feed you with information.

Writers originality

Just in, as we can see the world is large enough to accommodate all sorts of nonsense but nemesis catches up with every one that participated on all sorts of evil meanwhile before i proceed,I AM OMEBIRO CLIFFORD TOCHUKWU ,am a core citizen of the Republic of Nigeria the giant of africa and also indigene of abia state,am a student of the University of portharcourt studying chemical engineering,am the first son of the family of five children.

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The issues that Nigeria faces

Oh that great Nigeria the giant of africa will i say few or more, well errors and faults,corruption has been the natural disaster Nigerians has been facing,am very sorry to say this,the nation Nigeria is passing through a lot and in that ,much issues are arising,but i will be concised with my points. The below are the most basics issues i love to mention.

  • poor educational status and it management: Proper information(education) and management helps in faster development of the country.

  • Lack of infrastructure;which curse poor rates in employment an increase the rate of criminals.

  • Bad hospital: with the senator and politicians when sick,the travel out to get medical treatment,thus leaving the poor helpless.

  • poor system of youth empowerment: when youths are not encouraged,by each talent and other essential support from Government it leads them to evill doings.

  • greed: it one of the major problems we face leadership has become a family business.

  • discrimination: this has damped our nation so long your not part of our speaking language your not eligible for some certain opportunities.

  • Poor human rights value and terrorism: if the government lack value to rights there will higher rate of death,thus making citizens to leave and behave as the like.

I would have continued but will stop here due to constriction of words.

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how it has affected me

I will say and also have known that the compound points mentioned above as issues , has one way or the other affected all,meanwhile as a student due to point number one,i have been affected because i needed to work and make ends for school fees and no good reading facilities to enhance good learning.

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Due to poor youth empowerment and terrorism the state of the nation has been very bad and thus has limited me in all kinds of opportunities.

Violence has affected me because my dad shop was burnt down and making family life financially to start afres.



Terrorism and division has eaten up our nation Nigeria and the nation is in disaster. If i am giving opportunities. I will do the fellowing;

  • create opportunities to the Masses and generate means to satisfy general wants.

  • development of schools,(University) etc i believe if you give a man knowledge you have make him rich and refined.

  • Hospital:this is one of the basics issues leaders hasn't focus on,thus enhanced Hospital facilities would help to reduce death rate and increase sound health rate.

  • focus on the upcoming: just as the say your youth are your future leaders,thus i will spend more energy on the youths and other essential demands to Brington up the nation.

  • Technology and core research: this aspect is one which our country have overlooked over time,therefore making us underdeveloped, the essence of Technology in a society helps a lot,infact it reduce much stress and enhance quickly the activities that are been done over board,hence i will channel energies to thats direction as well.

  • The aged: just as most developed countries,the ensure that the aged once finds satisfaction and ensure the don't suffer during that age line,hence i won't over look thats but rather i will ensure there satisfaction.

  • Finally i will ensure thats all human rights are strictly ahead to,and also place all life as important as gold found in a mans treasure box,further more i will strictly strengthen the security of all forces and ensure thats there bribe talking is completely apprehended.


Lets i forget the advantages of the effective use of natural resources would be strictly adhesive to,and the embezzlement of funds with out no tangible acount,personal involved will be dealt with intensively.

To the attention of


Amigo estoy segura que dios repondrá el negocio de tu papa saldrán adelante bendiciones.

Waw thanks dear i greatly appreciate your comments throughout my post i have make u my steemit friend reach me via this mail so we i can share my WhatsApp number

[email protected]

Perfecto amigo te escribo

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