in Steem Geography3 years ago

Hello lovely steemians,

Its so good to be here again, this is a very serious yet interesting contest organised by @bright-obias so i must say thank you for such opportunity to discuss issues like this. I also want to say thank you to @belenguerra and @badsha1 for constantly supporting this great community.

"The title of this contest put up is a call to deliberate on world issues"


The world indeed is an amazing place inhabiting humans, animals, plants, settlements etc.
There are about 7 continents in the world.


Asia has the largest continent of the world. Having about 48 countries with Africa has the second largest continent with 54 countries. North America as next on the line having 23 states, south America with 12 states. Antartica as next, Europe comes next having 50 countries, the last but not the least comes Australia having 6 countries in it.


Nigeria is my country and Nigeria is found in Africa. Precisely in west Africa. My country Nigeria is the most populated African country with population over 201 million people as at 2019. Did i mention that the name of the Nigerian president is General mohammadu Buhari.


Nigeria has 36 states and geographically Nigeria is divided into 4 parts. North, south, east, and west. Nigeria has its capital in Abuja.
Aside its states, Nigeria has a very rich economy because it is rich in some natural resources such as oil, cocoa, rubber etc.
There are 3 major languages found in my country Nigeria. This languages are ;

  • Igbo
  • Yoruba
  • Hausa
    The Igbo's have their origin from the eastern states, the Yoruba has origin from the western states while the Hausa's has origin from the northern states.


Nigeria just like every other country has a whole lots of challenges and issues it faces on daily basis, monthly basis or yearly basis.
In my country Nigeria the problems faced includes:


Infrastructure means man made structures found in a place e.g Road, buildings, etc. Infrastructure in Nigeria should be a basic looking at the level of economy and resources found in Nigeria. Its sad to say Nigeria suffer inadequate infrastructure.
In my area where i live the roads there are bad erosion everywhere with no good drain system. Whenever it rains my street is usually full of water. Here is an example of my street when it rains

There are numerous street in Different parts of Nigeria like this and even worse.


Security is very important in a nation, the lives of people will be at stake if the security of a country is tempered with.

Nigeria presently is faced with insecurity problems in different parts of its states ranging from kidnapping, people are killed on a daily basis by unknown people. Robbery attacks, in fact as at 2020 the insecurity issue increased and now the worse is the case.
People don't walk freely in some states found in Nigeria especially in the eastern parts.

The neighbourhood isn't safe anymore. Different sects or group are rising on a daily basis to torment the citizens of Nigeria. Every year comes with different aspect of insecurity.



Electricity is one important commodity people should have, there are businesses that can only strive when there is electricity.

In Nigeria there are alot of towns, cities, villages that lack electricity supply. For example my home town in Nigeria recently got electricity. Each time i travelled down there you wont find light and it can be so annoying because people wont want to site their business around there which will discourage development in my home town.
There are also many other places like that in Nigeria. This makes people use generators which in turn causes noise and air pollution in Nigeria.
Usually when there is no light, there wont be water supply.

Nigeria has all it takes to have constant electricity supply in all its 36 states, yet she still struggles with the problem of electricity supply.




High cost of living is another serious issue Nigeria is currently facing. Everything in the market seem to have tripled in price yet the income has refused to increase.

High cost of living has made a lot of persons not to afford some basic needs like shelter, food and clothing. Housing/ getting a good accommodation is so expensive this has made alot of persons homeless, some even under the bridges in the cities of Nigeria especially in Lagos state.

The price of food stuffs in the market keep going high almost everyday. Just last week i went to the market with 10,000 naira ( $36.36 )to buy food stuffs only to discover that the price of things has greatly increase. Everything i bought entered a small bag i used for shopping.

Nigeria is an oil producing country yet the price of fuel keeps going up and up with different government policies. And in Nigeria once the price of fuel increases, the price of everyother things increases automatically including transport cost.



Education is paramount in any country.

When a country lacks basic education for its citizens that country its on its way to failure and struggles

In Nigeria the standard of education has fallen greatly, especially government schools found in the states. I visited a government school in my hometown sometime last year,and i noticed there were no chairs for the students, they practically sat on the floor or brought chairs from their homes.

Government school buildings are old and worn out. For the high institutions, the lectures are always on strike because they have not been paid which in turn makes students stay longer in school without graduating. Strike is really a bad experience for students, no student enjoy this experience.


  • The problem of inadequate infrastructure;

Example bad roads which i stated earlier has affected me because after a heavy down pour of rain, the roads are in a mess, i mean water lodged and i cant go out at that time i have to wait for the water to dry up which takes a long time, sometimes it takes the next day. I remember missing a job once because it rained heavily and there was no place to pass through. So inadequate infrastructure has affected me and is still affecting me.

  • The problem of insecurity

This problem recently affected me. The eastern part of Nigeria precisely Imo state its known for peace in terms of crisis but lately it is not so any longer.

I travelled to the city of Owerri in Imo state last week and i discovered that people now live in fear. Infact the night i got there i could not sleep, i kept hearing gunshoots, it was as if i held my heart with my hands. The day i was meant to travel back to the city of Lagos where i stay, when i got to the travelling park, i was told by the manager that the transport company can not travel on that day. Meanwhile, my travel ticket has already been bought and i have a meeting to attend the next day. I missed my meeting because of insecurity matters.

  • Inadequate supply of electricity

This problem affects me on a daily basis. Inadequate supply of electricity has made several times to be offline. I mean i could not charge my phone because there was no power supply. For now i dont have generator as alternative to the power supply so i have to wait for the power holding company to restore power whenever they dim fit.

I have also worn rumpled clothes because i couldnt iron my clothes not because i dont want to iron but because there was no power supply at that moment.

I have bathed with cold water under a very cold weather because i heat up my water why? No power supply. Once i remembered doing so and i fell sick because i caught cold.

  • High cost of living due to price inflation

The effect of this problem in my life as a citizen of Nigeria is massive. I remember telling a story above of how i went to the market with some amount of money and all i could get was just little things that filled a small shopping bag. I got disappointed that day.

This problem is making me spend more than i should. Savings becomes more difficult for me.

In terms of feeding, i no longer feed well as regards to the 6 classes of food because am trying to manage my income, which has lead to constant instability in my health.

  • Poor education :

I remember when i was in one of the tertiary institutions in the eastern part of Nigeria, my school went on 8 months strike. It wasn't funny at all. After the strike was called off, the school went on another strike for another long period of time, which lead a delay in my graduation.

I also remember we were meant to go on an excursion which will boost our learning and the school was meant to sponsor that trip but they refused to do so saying that the state government did not allocate such fund, that was how i missed an educative trip.


The following are things i would do to effect changes in my country as regards to the problems i listed above.

  • For the problem of infrastructure such as roads, i will make sure the construction company given the contract to construct roads is a well reputable one,

then i will do a total award of general infrastructure in the cities and villages of Nigeria.

Appointing some agents to supervise these construction making sure it is 100% completed with quality standards.

  • To solve inadequate supply of electricity i would give out power supply subsidy, so that citizens can be able to afford electricity.

I would also make sure the old transformers in Nigeria are replaced with new ones in every location found, with constant servicing of theses transformers on monthly basis to avoid over load.

  • The problem of high cost of living due to inflation will be solved.

First i would make agriculture a basic for all citizens ie agriculture/ farming will be one of the major source of occupation, importation of many food items will not be necessary because it will be planted in Nigeria in large quantity. Farming will be an interesting occupation not left for the poor. Doing all these, will solve the inflation in the price of food items.

Secondly, i will build accommodation facilities, and give it out at avery affordable price so that even the least person can own or rent one.

Thirdly the price of fuel will be brought down to minimum price so everyone can afford it. Fuel subsidy will be given too

  • The problem of poor education will be solved because my main focus will start from grass root education which is from primary up to the higher institutions of Nigeria. More standard schools with less fess payment will be built. Every thing needed in the schools will be adequately provided ranging from books, chairs, school hostels, payment of teachers and lecturers salaries in due time, laboratories and libraries will be well equipped for the students conducive learning.


World issues are important issues that should not be overlooked because it has a direct impart to the productivity of the citizens which later affects the economy of the nation. I believe the the right actions can be taken to handle world issues.

Thank you for reading.

Special regards


This post has been rewarded by @bright-obias from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

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 3 years ago 

Wow! Thank you so much

Hello, thank you so much for your input on this topic...

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much!

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