🌾🌻🌳 Forest In your Region 🌲🌴🌵 RIBERA NORTE MUNICIPAL NATURAL PARK by nahumsamuel

in Steem Geography3 years ago

20210615_160334 (1).jpg
Photos of my authorship taken with the camera of my Motorola E 6 play 13 megapixel f / 2.0 cell phone in Buenos Aires Argentina

About 4 kilometers from my house is the north bank biological reserve. This is a protected area where there is a mixture of forest, wetlands, lagoons and rivers.



It is provided with an enormous amount of exotic and native flora and fauna. They are about 50 hectares of pristine and well-kept forest in the middle of a bustling city center and on the banks of the widest river in the world.


This beautiful reserve is governed by the imposing Rio de la Plata, its tides and sudestadas, govern the changes and evolutions of this enchanting forest.


Fauna: It is home to innumerable families of wading birds such as white herons, moray eels, paddles, chicuacos, greatcoats, cotuas or cormorants; who decided to choose the branches of their beautiful trees as nests for their young and reproduction.

We can also find several species of both terrestrial and aquatic turtles, there are galapagos and matamata.

In the trees you can also see owls, owls, birds of prey such as hawks, caranchos, smaller birds such as thrushes and sparrows; even if you are vigilant you will see woodpeckers, cardinals and tiles.



It is home to 13 species of mammals such as the capybara, the opossum or weasel, and field rats.

There are more than 40 species of fish among which the surubíes, patíes, boga, tarpon, taruchas, palometas stand out among many others.



Frogs also inhabit this forest, and snakes such as the yarara that, even though it is not native to this area, is often carried away by the rising and sudestadas.

In addition to this, this forest is a refuge and home to 87 species of butterflies, arachnids and insects. Among them are ladybugs, fireflies or fireflies, black widow spiders among others.



Flora: the amount of plants that you can find in this reserve is very diverse, among the exotic and invasive are the yellow lilies that were brought and are now practically a pest. Among the native ones, there are the ceibos, willows, clovers, a variety of thickets that, during the day, emit a disgusting aroma to ward off predators and at night emit a pleasant aroma to attract a moth that pollinates it.



Whenever we can, my family and I go to visit it and have a very pleasant time in contact with nature.


Photos of my authorship taken with the camera of my Motorola E 6 play 13 megapixel f / 2.0 cell phone in Buenos Aires Argentina Location

It is a pleasure to participate in the initiatives and contests of @belenguerra @bright-obias & @badsha1 in this community, I hope you like my publication, it seems to me a place worth showing to the world, I really enjoyed making this post for you.


Thanks to all who visit me!!



Que linda reserva natural

 3 years ago 

Si muy bonita, gracias por la visita!!

muy lindas fotografias de la rivera norte, me encanta San Isidro. Es una bella reserva....

 3 years ago 

Gracias por la visita, es un lugar muy hermoso!!

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