Contest : The most Popular and Rare Crops in my area.( paddy)

in Steem Geography3 years ago (edited)

I am totaly new person in this community. This is the 1st post of mine in this community. I look this contets and make me so interested that contest. I joiend here @badsha1 @belenguerra I hope you all like my post. Thank you so much.

Bangladesh is a major agricultural country. As Bangladesh is an agricultural country, paddy is produced in maximum quantity here. All the people of Bangladesh eat rice. The saying 'Bengali in fish and rice' has been around for a long time. The demand for paddy is very high in this country because of eating rice three times a day and eating rice three times a day. Therefore, being an agricultural country, paddy production is highest in this country. Besides meeting the demand of this country for paddy production, it is also used for export to foreign countries. Different varieties of paddy are produced in Bangladesh and many new varieties have been developed in them. Their yield is very good. Today we will know about all those paddy. Wherever we go in Bangladesh, we will see paddy production. Different types of paddy are produced in different seasons.



In areas where rainfall is high or low land, paddy is good. It is also cultivated on hills or hill slopes. Paddy cultivation is highly labor intensive. It requires a lot of labor, so it is easy to cultivate paddy in areas where labor costs are low

  • Paddy is generally a perennial plant, in some areas especially in temperate regions it is cultivated as a biennial plant. Paddy can be cultivated for up to 30 years. The growth and production of paddy often depends on the fertility of the soil.

In order to cultivate paddy, first a seedbed has to be prepared, the seeds have to be sprinkled and irrigated for a few days, then when small seedlings are produced, they are picked up and planted in the main land. Moreover, direct seeds are also cultivated by scattering on the main land. Paddy cultivation requires a lot of water. Water is stored at the base of the tree for a long time.


The product of rice is called rice. Rice is made from this rice which is the main food of Bengalis

Depending on the time of cultivation, paddy in Bangladesh is divided into three parts. The three main divisions are Aus, Aman and Boro

This farming method is very complicated. It takes a lot of hard work to cultivate. From the very beginning, seeds have to be produced from this paddy. The land has to be prepared for sowing seeds and irrigation has to be given all the time. Otherwise, if the soil is cracked, it is not good to cultivate this paddy in that land. So it always needs maximum water for good yield. A lot of water is needed and pesticides and fertilizers have to be used


In all the pictures above I have shown rice plants and paddy. When you see them, you can recognize and understand. It’s such hard work and I’ve tried to present what this crop looks like. As there is hard work in paddy crop, it benefits the farmers and the farmers get a lot of yield.

As Bangladesh is an agricultural country, Bangladesh is a riverine country and therefore there is an abundance of water in this country. Therefore, it is possible to cultivate this paddy in all parts of the country and the farmers benefit a lot from it

Thank you so much for visit my post.


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