Contest !! A Call To Deliberate On World Issues By @inspiration375

Hello everyone...
I would like to say a big thank you to @bright-obias and the steemit representative @steem-geography for the tireless efforts in this community.

Before I start am from Nigeria a country located in Africa.
Nigeria is a blessed country with so many natural resources, Nigeria is one the highest oil Producing country in Africa. Due to poor management of the resources, it has lead to so many problem arising to every citizen of Nigeria.


Bad Governance and Bad rulers had lead Nigeria to it worst time, Nigeria as a country has so many issues that needs urgent attentions.
Not only me but the the entire Nigeria is affected in one way or the other


There are so many problems facing Nigeria today, some of the issues are

Bad Government
Electricity issue
Insufficient Pay

All this problems have brought so many Effects on the National growth in the Country. Nigeria that was once said to be one of the most developing country in Africa is now nothing to write home about.

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Nigerian protesting - Src

Effects Of The Problems In Nigeria As A Whole

The problems didn't only affects me but it affects all Nigerian entirely.

★Bad Roads has lead to so many accident and that leads to loss of life's and property, it has also cause traffic in my country.

★Bad Governance had lead to the division of the country, currently now in Nigeria there is a division among Nigerians, some call themselves #Biafra while some still remain a Nigerian.

★Insecurity has been a big problem in my country today, people all over Nigeria lives in fear due to insecurity issues. Some terrorist groups like the Boko-Haram, Cultists and Unknown Gunmen have taken the life's of so many Nigeria.

★Inconstant Power supply have encouraged criminalities at night hours, many NIGERIA has fall victim of a night robbery due to no Electricity Supply.

★Even people working are complaining of low pay, the minimum wage implemented by the president all to date had not been bad to so many working Nigerians.

★Due to bad Governance it has lead to so many violence arising in the nation, where a Nigerian fights with his fellow, in the case of cultism Nigerian kill themselves.

★Unemployment has increased the rate of poverty in Nigeria today, there are so many Graduate today that are unemployed, giving them no choice than to do some hard works just to earn a living.


Of course if am given the opportunity to be the leader of my country or if things are in my power I would address such problem nicely, In every national issues there is always a solution to it.

Creation of jobs
Construction of Roads
Constant Electricity Supply
Increase in minimum wage
Making Peace


★Construction of roads would limit the rate of traffic and also reduce the rate of accident by so saving so many life's and properties.

★Keeping peace would eradicate violence am keep the people of Nigeria at peace with each other in the country.

★If jobs are created all over the country youths would be employed and the rate of poverty would be reduced.

★Encouraging the youth to work hard and also refrain from bad acts.

★Providing the military with good arms so they can fight the hoodlums in the society and also maintaining order would help to solve security issues.

★Providing and giving every Nigeria a scholarship just to else the stress to their parents and also to encourage them.

If all this remedies is been put in place either by me or anyone in my country things will eventually gets better.

Today in Nigeria much allowance is given to senators, and many politicians in Nigeria, but am opportune to become a president I would cut down those allowance instead allocating them to the needy, them bringing out the beauty in Nigerian

Thank you for reading.




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