Introduction post to steemgeography || @edmund.nef || 31-07-2021.

in Steem Geography3 years ago

I am very glad and joyous to write to introduce myself to the steep geography community. I find it very important to this because we are in a community and I believe it is important to know each other. A very big thanks go to @belengurra for making this community a successful one and bringing up such a great initiative.

In introducing myself, I will be answering the questions posted by @belengurra for the project and I might add some things as a when is necessary.

1- What's your name?

I am in the person of Edmund Felix with the username @edmund.nef on steemit. Edmund is from my name and nef is the brand name I love using and that is why edmund.nef on steemit.

2- Share a picture of you so we can meet you! 😊


A picture of myself

3- In which country do you live?

I was born and raised in Ghana 🇬🇭 and I live in Ghana currently but I find myself in other countries for Business and School activities.

4- What's your town or city?
Specifically I my town is the Mefi-Adidome in the Volta Region of the Republic of Ghana.

5- Mention 3 things that you love more about your neighborhood (or the place you live in)

People in my neighborhood watching a football match

There are several things I love about my neighborhood but a few of them are as follows;

1️⃣ Good moral behavior and standards; one of the things I love about my neighborhood is their moral standards. Each and everyone has his morals according to their religion but we can still cope and stay together making it a great environment to be in.

The weather conditions in my neighborhood

2️⃣ The environmental condition such as the rain, sunshine, temperature, and others; Because I have been traveling from one city to the other and one country to the other, I have encountered quite several environmental conditions and I can say I love my neighborhood weather because it just exactly how I want it to be and even if there are changes.

With my neighborhood friends

3️⃣ I like the lifestyle of the people in my neighborhood; in my neighborhood, it is easy to make friends because the people are social, friendly, kindly, lovely and all the good words can be used to describe the people in my neighborhood. I enjoy being in this neighborhood because even if you are not happy the people around will make you happy and this makes me love my neighborhood.

6- What do you love about #steemit?
The fact that I can make new friends, blog, read and comment and me been rewarded for all these things is what I love about steemit. I can also learn a whole new thing on steemit. For example, when I joined steemit, I did not know anything about cryptocurrency but I now know what it is and how it works through the steemitcrypto Academy. Also, I have been able to learn a lot through steemit geography which includes me seeing different mountains I have not seen before and pictures of places I may not have seen before.

7- Why do you like Steem Geography Community?

As a student with an environmental science background, many are the passion I have for the environment, and most importantly steemgeography has these at heart and that is why I love steemgeography. Things I love about steemgeography includes;

1️⃣ The passion to share to the world the need to avoid environmental pollution such as water and air pollution with land degradation has been paramount. Base on the contest that are been organized, the responses from participants and comments from other members who are not able to participate indicates that the community is fully in support of protecting the environment. As a result of this i also find it joyful to inform someone or members on steemit about the steemgeography community.

2️⃣ The need to make people aware that all hope is not lost. Reading posts and other blogs on the steemgeography community I have come to realize that one of the key things most people share is to encourage each other on the need to keep the environment safe and clean.

3️⃣ Exploring nature from other parts of the world 🌎. I have had the opportunity to see different Mountains, rivers, lakes, animals, forests, and all other natural things nature has to offer through the steemitgeography community. I will want to see more and that is why I love steemgeography.

8 -Share a picture of the nearest place from your home that you love more


Navrongo Health Research center.

All pictures details are as shown below.

Photo taken withInfinix Note 7 Lite

Much appreciation to @belenguerra for helping and teaching us the right things to do on steemit through his comments and posts.

Thank you for your attention


Welcome and resteemed :-)

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