New project: My Introduction to steem geography || by chaalee

in Steem Geography3 years ago

Good morning, afternoon and evening to my eSTEEMed STEEMians around the globe. I'm sure happy to introduce myself today in this community and to be a fully verified partaker in the steem geography community.


Though I have been in this community for more than three months now and I have been posting good contents here. On the other hand, the admins of this community are hardworking and just to all their doings.
Please read carefully below as I tell you all more about me and give you all some descriptions of me.

What is your name?

My name Hananiah Charles, but I like it when you call me Dr. Han. I am @chaalee in this beautiful steemit world.

Share a picture of you so we can meet you!

This is my handsome self, lol....
This photo was taken by a Tecno camon 12 air phone.

In which country do you live?

I live in Nigeria.🇳🇬 I am a Nigerian.

What's your town or city?

I'm from Adamawa state, a north eastern state in Nigeria, but I currently live in Afi-barracks, Cross River state, Nigeria.

Mention 3 things that you love more about your neighborhood (or the place you live in)?

Firstly, I live in a military barrack, it's a whole different world itself. Living in there you feel secured and move with a free mind. You get to interact with senior military personnel and eventually become friends with them.

Secondly, We have more than hundreds sites for palm oil production and that makes it more easier for everybody around that neighborhood to own, produce and also, sell palm oil. You also get good quality oil.

Thirdly, I'm going to combine lots of other advantages and reasons under this section. We have a cocoa mill factory, rice mill factory, football stadium and lots more.....

What do you love about #steemit?

First of all, let me discuss about five things here. Five good reasons why I love steemit.

  1. Steemit involves writing, and as a person, I personally love writing. Steemit is a platform that increases and improves an individual writing skill and makes you become a better writer. This is a vital point.
  2. Let's keep aside the fact that you learn and improve your writing skills, you also get rewarded for publishing good contents. Second point.
  3. You don't write any type of content in this platform, all contents must reach a certain level of quality and originality before it will be curated. Quality and originality is it's priority.
  4. Steemit is built on blockchain technology. We all know what that means.... Maximum security. Each function in steemit has it own key which means it very well secured.
  5. Now the fact that it's steemit doesn't mean that a user gets rewarded with only STEEM coin, there is Steem power and tron(TRX) for all users.

Steemit is truly amazing and it's the best platform an individual should spend each of their time on.

Why do you like steem geography community?

The First time I came across steem geography community, I felt an atmosphere of comfort. Steem geography has an important feature which is taking to round the globe at the convinience of your home.

I have gotten to see and read about different towns, countries and cities and I have learnt a lot of things from them all even without visiting these places.

In a nutshell, I want to say that steem geography is a compass and map on its own that takes you round the world at the comfort of your home. Allows you to learn places and culture. we love it.

Share a picture of the nearest place from your home that you love more.

I took this picture in my church, very close to my house. Would have loved to take the full building picture but i traveled out of town.

All the pictures in this post was taken with a Tecno camon 12 air phone

Special thanks to the admins of this wonderful community.

 3 years ago 

Welcome to Steem Geography! I hope you have a great time in here!!

I’d love to hear more from you!!

Have a beautiful day!


Geography (10).png

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