in Steem Geography3 years ago

Greetings great minds.
I am happy to be part of this contest in this prestigious community @worldgeography. Thank you @belenguerra for this contest.
I think this movie is one of the greatest movies of all time. I am always grateful to Mel Gibson, director and producer of this movie, he is a genius and to the actors, they are amazing. This is my favorite movie, I don't get tired of watching this movie, this movie is evergreen

Dear friends, I present to you;


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The cast of this movie are;
Rudy Youngblood - Jaguar Paw
Myra Serbulo
Rodrigo Mendoza
Ammel Raoul Trujillo - Zero Wolf
Rodolfo Palacios and many others.

The director and producer of this movie APOCALYPTO is Mel Gibson

A young hunter named Jaguar Paw and his father named Flint Sky and his tribemen were attacked by strange invading force from another tribe which destroyed their village by burning it down and killing some of their men that tried to resist then from capturing them, as the fight went on Jaguar Paw hid his wife and son in a pit which he was almost caught but he was fortunate, he went back to to fight in other to defend his people but his effort wasn't enough as his people have almost lost the fight and some have already been captured and tied down
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Some of Jaguar Paw's tribesmen that are already captured and tied down

Jaguar Paw picked up fight with the second in command named Middle Eye, one of the invading force men that attacked them, Jaguar Paw almost got him killed but Middle Eye was rescued by his men, then Jaguar Paw was captured and tied down. Middle Eye named Jaguar Paw "Almost" because Jaguar Paw almost killed him,
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This was when Jaguar Paul was captured in the jungle fight

Middle Eye got to find out that Flint Sky was Jaguar Paw's father, so he killed Flint Sky as a pay back to Jaguar Paw as he almost killed him in a fight.

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This is how Jaguar Paw's father died

So, the striking invading force tied all the captives to a straight long wood and they began a far distant journey to Mayan city leaving the children helpless, frustrated and in pains as they cried in attempt to follow them.

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Children cried in attempt to follow their parents
While as the invading force matched the captives along, some died on the way. One of the wasted captives that is badly wounded almost fell off the track into a wide pit but was rescued by his fellow captives by dragging him back, the rescued captive was killed by Middle Eye (second in command) of the invading force, this got Zero Wolf (first in command) angry and threatened to killed any of his fellow invading force men who kills any of the captives without his permission

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Their journey to Mayan City

Zero Wolf threatening Middle Eye

They got to a village that an unknown disease had killed almost all the villagers, so they saw a girl that prophesized to the invading force that attacked Jaguar Paw and his tribesmen on how they would end (the down fall of Mayan City) but they laughed at poor girl and ignored her
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The little girl that prophesied about downfall of Mayan City

As this the invading force got to the Mayan City, they began to sell the female captives into slavery while the male captives were taken to the top of the pyramid where the King and Queen of the Maya City are for sacrifice.

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The captives are being taken the pyramid for sacrifice

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The pyramid where the sacrifice was done

Two of the captives were sacrificed successfully but when it got to Jaguar Paw's turn to be sacrificed, the weather changed and there was darkness all over the city, the King, Queen and the chief Priest interpreted that this could be an omen, that the gods is pleased and that the remaining captives should be taking away and set free but Zero Wolf decided to use them for fun as target practice and anyone that runs safely have been offered freedom

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Darkness in Mayan City

Two were killed in this target practice, when it got to Jaguar Paw, though he suffered done injuries but Jaguar Paw killed Zero Wolf's son, Zero Wolf became furious and ordered his men to chase after Jaguar Paw with him, as Jaguar Paw flee and and got to the waterfall that is across the forest which him, his father and his tribesmen do hunt, he had no option than to jump the waterfall, then he remembered what his father told him about fear, this gave him the guts to challenge his pursuers.
He said said to Zero Wolf and his crew that "his name is Jaguar Paw, the son of Flint Sky, this is his father's forest, that he will hunt in this forest after his father, he is afraid of nobody"
This statement was like a big slap in the face to Zero Wolf.

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Jaguar Paw challenging Wolf Zero and his crew

One of the Jaguar Paw's men adviced Zero Wolf that "Jaguar Paw is a bad omen and that they should let him go," Zero Wolf got more angry at him by stabbing him to death for saying that.

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Zero Wolf stabbed him to death for advicing him to let go the chase

Zero Wolf ordered his crew to start jumping into the waterfall one after the other and continue chasing Jaguar Paw, the invading force chasing Jaguar Paw were killed one by one either by trap laid by Jaguar Paw and natural hazard (including Zero Wolf was killed), only two of the invading force crew remained.
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Jaguar running in the jungle

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The trap that killed Zero Wolf

Before this time there was heavy rain that started falling immediately after Jaguar Paw killed Middle Eye which made Jaguar Paw feel fulfilled, happy and he interpreted the rainfall to be that his his father have gotten vengeance for his death and that he now has peace in the land of the dead.

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Middle Eye chasing Jaguar Paw

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This is how Jaguar Paw killed Middle Eye

The heavy rainfall almost drowned Jaguar Paws wife and son who were still trapped in the pit and had already put to birth to another son, the pit was almost filled up with water.

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Jaguar's wife had already put to birth in the pit

Jaguar Paw's two remaining pursuers stopped chasing Jaguar Paw when they saw a strange ship, they pulled closer to the ship out of curiosity, Jaguar Paw ran to save his wife and son in the pit where he hid them. On reaching there Jaguar Paw was filled with joy over his new baby boy.

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The strange ship that took away their attention from Jaguar Paw

Finally, Jaguar Paw went back to the jungle to start a new beginning with his family.

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Jaguar started a new beginning with his wife, and two sons

Thank you all
Have a nice day

Special thanks to

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, my friend!! It seems to be an amazing movie! And you must be very strong to watch it!! Your review is extremely complete!

I liked it very much, and the pictures that you've shared too!!

I wish you a wonderful day!!

 3 years ago 

Thank you

Thank you for sharing in Steem Geography! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
I appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.
I’d love to Read more from you!!


 3 years ago 

Thank you.

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