
in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

A couple of days ago, I didn't feel too well. I wasn't really sick or didn't eat anything bad, but it was just this psychological gut feeling. It took some time to realise the person who caused it meant no harm by it and after a little bit longer I even wondered why it made me so upset in the first place.


I'll start from the beginning. Since February I've been posting on Steemit. At first I was kind off shy to show my work off. I was always very hard in judging myself and no picture was ever good enough by my opinion. However, looking back at older work and realising this was not "the camera" that just did a good job (since it was a dinosaur of a camera), but me actually shaping the light in this technical piece of gear, turning it into the pictures I still cherish.

After about a month into Steemit, I got more confident to show off (still older) work on a daily basis and got some big upvotes (thanks to @pixelfan for the tips at the beginning, couldn't have done it without you!) Anyhow last week a community moderator did a great job introducing some members by talking about what they do on Steemit and where they come from. It was then I got a little shocked it said "Amateur Photographer". I felt like the world I had built up in two months collapsed around me.

But as I said before. This person by no means meant harm by it. On second thought I'm even wondering why I'm so upset about this. Amateur used to mean "Lover of", and I still do love photography. It was the first thing after High School I actually was genuinly interested in when it came to education. After my training as a photographer life kicked in and I had to walk some different paths to stay afloat financially, but this platform and it's community brought an old passion back to life.

What is your take on this seemingly harmfull word "Amateur"?

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