How To "Remix" Your Business... ...By Automating EVERY Aspect Of MY $400,000/Year Business, Including... Building Websites, Developing Software, Creating Brands & Getting Buyer Traffic!

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Automate everything & launch your first REAL online business.

YES! Get Instant & Unlimited Access To EVERYTHING In Remixable NOW!

Instant Setup. Cloud-Based. Unlimited Access.

Build & Remix Websites

Create & Sell Software

LiveChat & Coaching

Create HD Videos

Daily Affiliate Programs

Build New Software

How Is Remixable Different?
Because you can copy my proven six-figure business - with this one app :
Create & sell your own software... build pro websites... create VSL & affiliate videos... get buyer traffic...
Use this new technology to automate the #1 money making method...
Quicker, faster and easier than you ever dreamt was possible...

Create Software Products.
Earn 100% & "Level Up"

Create Unique, Pro-Level
Websites in Minutes

Remixable Website Builder
Remixable Software Builder
Domains & Subdomains
Secure Hosting Included
Video & Voice Creator
LiveChat & Coaching

Remix Your Business.
Transform Your Life.
View Founder Pricing

Feature #1: Remixable Includes The Fastest, Simplest... & Yet Most Powerful (And NEWEST!) Way To Build Pages In 2022...
A Quantum Leap In Websites

2000: Designer
At first, the only way to build stunning websites was to hire designers: a cinch... at $500-$2,000 a site! Plus, another $500-5,000 for a copywriter...

2010: Site Builder
These tools cost $500+/yr, contain no content & still require coding, writing and images to customize! Hard to make changes & you need to write a copy...

2022: Remixable
A complete step-change in the evolution of the website. Remix proven websites. Load DFY content. Then change any element - just by clicking "remix"...

v1 - Page Builder: Create An Infinite Number Of Pages, Products, Copy, Styles, Designs & Domains- Just By Clicking "Remix"

Remixable Websites
Build ENTIRE pro-level sites (like this page) just by clicking "remix".

Remixable Niches
Preloaded with 50x niche packs, each with copy & images. Remix & edit.

Remixable Designs
Change fonts, colors, designs and styles by clicking "remix" .

Remixable Products
Mix & and match 30x resell products to make a new, unique software package.

Remixable Brands
Create logos & ecovers. Launch new brands. Build lists like a six-figure pro.

Obsessive Support
Live-chat with Chris. Upvote features. Get buyer traffic. Join the elite club.

Blown Away? The Website Builder Is Just 1x Feature Inside Remixable (There Are 14 More! Keep Reading...)

Feature #2: Remixable Now Lets You Create Video Sales Letters & Affiliate Review Videos Like A Six-Figure Marketer...
Automated HD Video & Voice

2010: Live Video
A decade ago, to create affiliate & sales videos that converted , you needed a live actor and "green screen" at $5-10k a go. Not only expensive, but insanely slow and impossible to change...

2015: Video Creator
Good video editing tools cost $300+/yr, contain no media or proof preloaded & still require you to create 100s of slides by hand! Or just outsource it to a video editor at $500-1,000 per video...

2022: Remixable
Browser-based voice & video creation tools. Choose a DFY script, create an instant voice... and watch as an instant HD video with 300+ DEFY media (proof, stock footage, etc) is created...

v2 - Video Creator: Create Instant HD Videos (With 300+ Preloaded Proof & Stock Footage). Plus Create Voice-Overs & Steal Our Six-Figure Affiliate Review & VSL Template Scripts

Create HD Video
Create RAPID HD marketing, VSL sales & affiliate videos - from your browser.

Create Voice-Overs
Create unlimited A.I. voice-overs for your videos (US, UK, Aus & Male/Female).

300+ Media Preloaded
A.I. transcribes your script and suggests preloaded, DFY stock images & videos for each slide in your video .

DFY Six-Figure Scripts
Swipe 12x of my proven VSL and affiliate review templates (tweak or use "as is").

Get YouTube Traffic
Training - discover our methods for generating Buyer Traffic from YouTube.

Daily DFY Affiliate
Every day we create DFY media for new affiliate programs (to make your review videos almost effortless).

Stunned? The Video Creation Suite Was An Unplanned Feature We Added To Remixable (We've Added More Since! Keep Reading...)

Feature #3: Remixable v3 Lets You Build Your Own UNIQUE Custom Software From Scratch...
Build New Software (Yes, Really)

2010: Write eBooks
Before software, marketers sold ebooks. This was easy to do - but, in 2022, ebooks don't convert & are a pain to write. That means you need to sell software, but...

2015: Programmers
Having spent over $1,000,000 on developers, I can tell you this is the best option. But there's a problem... Each tool costs $2-20,000 to build & you also need to write a "spec" and design it. Ugh!...

2022: Remixable
The "Software Generator" inside Remixable lets you build a new, sellable, unique, custom software right from your browser! No coding, no programmers. I've made six-figures with tools I built with this!...

v3 - Software Generator: Create Unlimited, Unique Software Tools You Can Sell & Earn 100% With - Right From Your Browser!

Create New Software
Build entirely new software, from scratch, right from your browser.

Earn 100% x Infinity
Create & sell unlimited tools that you 100% own - and earn 100% from.

Securely Hosted
Each software instance you create is hosted & password-protected.

Build In An Hour
These simple "database" tools take <1 hour to make (but made me $xxx,xxx+).

Convert In Any Niche
We sell these software in the marketing niches, but they can be sold to anyone.

Complete Training
55 minutes of video training on the Software Generator, with case studies...

And Remember: The Website Builder, Video Creator & Software Generator Are Just 3x Of The 15+ Features Inside Remixable (Let's Look At Some Numbers...)


1 It's 1-Click Easy:
Create Websites By Clicking "Remix" (NO CODING!)
57 DFY Niches

460 pre-loaded images

25k proven sales scripts

2 It's Customizable
Remix Designs, Scripts, Images & Niches
1 click changes

Infinite Styles

9 Trillion Combinations

3 It's Profitable:
Only Create The Best Sites In The Best Niches
50 resell products worth $400k

60 second domains

Infinite Internet Businesses

4 It Now Makes Your Videos:
Create Instant VSL & Affiliate Videos
330 DEFY media preloaded

1 click AI voice-overs

Infinite Videos in seconds

5 It Builds Software:
v3 Now Lets You Create Software From Scratch
$300k made with this

60 minute new software

Infinite Software Products


Remix & Create Profitable Websites, Videos, Software, Products, Scripts, Logos, eCovers & Brands. Launch Infinite New Businesses

Make More Money. Automate Everything.
Remixable automates all the key steps to running a successful Internet business...
allowing you to finally sell your own product & build a list - much quicker & easier than before.
So join right now or keep reading to see how this new tool changes everything... by automating everything!

Join Remixable At The Lowest Lifetime Price EVER
First, Create Your NEW Product & Brand
(Pre-2022, This Would Have Taken A Lifetime)

Build 100% Unique Product Packages
With 50x Resell Products
Secret: most top marketers can't build software. They license it. Join them by packaging up 50x of our own software as your own unique brand (we do this monthly).

Create Your New Brand Creatives
Instant eCover & Logo
Use the cloud-based apps to turn your new product into ecovers & logos - the only creatives you'll ever need. You now have a unique & real brand identity - in seconds!

Save Your Product To Remixable
Describe In 6 Words
To make your product "Remixable" simply enter 6 keywords... and watch as Remixable generates 100s of headlines, microcopy, images & videos. Then tweak and save.

Your Software Product Is Live! Now, Sell It (And Earn 100%) On Your Own Pro Website.
(By Turning Proven $xxx,xxx Websites Into "Remixable" Templates!)

Remix Proven Sites
Remix ONLY What Works
Not a tech person? You don't need to be - because remixing sites means you always start with a proven template. With proven niche, copy, design, colors, headlines, blocks & more... it starts profitable & stays that way

Remix 500x Blocks
279k Tweaks In 6 Clicks
Now simply click "remix" to change elements for each block. With an average of 7 elements to remix x 6 ways... that's 279k changes in 6 clicks. Oh.. and there are 500+ blocks that you can remix & reorder ;-)

Publish & Monetize
Launch Your New Site
Edit & fine-tune your page in our cloud-editor. Find domains & sub-domains with our proprietary name finder, then publish your site in minutes. Secure hosting built-in. Unlimited bandwidth & storage. For life..

Your Page Is Complete! Now, Create A VSL Sales Video (And Monetize Your New Buyers' List - With Instant Affiliate Review Videos)
(By Stealing Our DFY Copy Templates... Turning Them Into Voice-Overs... Then Turning Those A.I. Voices Into Instant HD Videos)

Create HD Videos
(VSL Sales... Affiliate...)
Remixable includes the "Rapid Render" tool which creates HD videos from your browser. Browse 300+ DEFY media (images/videos, hand-picked for marketers), add text-slides, 8x transition effects, kinetic text effects, backing songs & more.

Create MP3 Voices
AI Voices, On Call, 24/7
Create unlimited voice-overs for your videos with our "1 Click Video" tool. Simply add your script, choose from 4x natural-sounding "neural-net" voices (USA/UK/Aus, Male/Female), then download your MP3.

Clone Our Scripts
Tweak Our $100k Swipes
We will hand you over 50,000 words of DFY proven copy/script templates - for both affiliate reviews & VSL sales scripts. Either find/replace the product name, or tweak our proven templates to any offer.

Next, Become A Software-Creator (Build NEW Software From Scratch - No Coding)
(By Using Our Private, Proven $xxx,xxx "Software Generator" Tool!)

Create Software
...That Pays You 100%
Let your imagination run free. Now ANYONE can create custom tools from their browser - for any niche. Sell them, package them with the 50x resell-rights tools... and earn 100%.

$300k+ Revenue
(No Coding Or Costs!)
We've generated well over $300k with software we built with the Software Generator, right from our browser. No developers, coders or programmers needed.

Learn How We Do It
Training & Case Studies
As well as the Software Generator (and the license rights to create & sell unlimited tools that pay you 100%), you get 55 mins of training explaining how to make your first unique software tool on day 1...

Ready to unleash this all-in-one app?
Become a founder member, lock-in your lifetime pricing & get coached DIRECT by Chris - so you can finally turn the money-making corner in 2022.

YES! I AM READY! Activate My New Account NOW
OK, Chris! Automatically Launch My Digital Product Business - With Your New "Remixing" Technology...
15 Years Of Work In 1x Tool

$1 Million Software Creator, Reseller & Rebrander (x50)
You know you need your own product, right? And you know software is the best product to sell with 100% margins and very high perceived value. But you probably think that's a pipe-dream for an average person to sell software, right? Without a $10k budget and a team of software engineers? WRONG..

I'll let you in on 2x secrets. ONE. Most marketers LICENSE the software they sell. TWO. Most marketers RESELL the same software under different packages and brands. Now imagine if one of the top marketers let you rebrand, repackage AND resell pretty much ALL of his software (which cost him six-figures to build)... the same premium software which has generated over $1,000,000 in sales! So creating software takes you 2 minutes... not 2 years...

OK Chris, Enough! LET ME IN!
100% Done For You Content For 50x Niches: Pre-Loaded
Other site builders give you "templates" but a page is more than just a design. What about the words ("copy") and images - ie the content that really drives conversions? That's why the best copywriters and designers earn six-figures too.

And that brings me to the Remixable PRODUCT ENGINE. Simply enter 6 words that describe your product and Remixable generates a complete set of headlines, images, micro-copy and more. There are over 100x elements included for the 50x niche, all created by a six-figure copywriter & pro designer, all preloaded, remixable - and just a click away. So enter your keywords, load the content - then tweak, respin and save. Your product and brand now have a "heart" - the same copy & content that makes Chris six-figures - and you're ready for the next step


Remix 500x Blocks (And Done For You Content)
Other site-builders use "page templates" - ie. choose a page design and tweak. But... a page is really a collection of "blocks". With other site-builders... it takes hours to create EACH block .. or else.. you're stuck with the same cookie-cutter page templates as everyone else. Ugh! NOT SO with Remixable...

Remixable's templates are individual BLOCKS, not pages, meaning you can mix and match them as you please. Best of all, each block is automatically pre-loaded with the exact content you've just saved for your particular product, meaning there's no copywriting or images to add (and no coding ever either!) Just choose the DFY blocks you want, click "remix" until you're happy & save...

Yes, Let's Get Started Now
Remix Any Block (6 Clicks = 280k Combinations!)
Other site builders give you the illusion of control but in practice there is none. Sure you can change the color of your button... but to what? Each edit you do takes you further away from what works - and you end up with an ugly site (or again... just stick to the same cookie-cutter template as 100,000 other marketers).

Remixable technology lets you change over 20 elements in each block, with just one click. Change colors, font, text, images, effects and more. Click remix to cycle through the options. After a few clicks you return to where you were. Every option is pre-selected to work (e.g. colors rotate on the law of complementary colors.. headlines for related niches display), so you can never "break" the system (and you never need to write a thing or edit code. EVER!)

WHAAAAT!? I Want To Remix Sites!

Publish Your Product & Site On The Internet
Once you've chosen your blocks, you can reorder them and edit them (we even included a WYSIWYG cloud-based editor - if you're missing your "manual" website builders - and want to go back to the 2010s!). Then it's time to publish your site (and start getting buyer traffic from Chris & his inner circle - click the button to see how I'm going to get buyer traffic for you)...

So use our proprietary domain tool to register your name and save it - for unlimited pages - to your account. Or, if it's a quick campaign, why not use one of our dozens of pre-loaded subdomains. Either way your site is instantly published to your new domain or subdomain - and hosted securely on the same servers that we use. The same servers as Netflix and Pinterest. And this is just the tip of the Remixable iceberg. Click the button now to preview all the features: Logo Maker, eCover Creator, Push Notification List Builder & Broadcaster, Video Creator Suite, Product Idea Generator... Plus of course, our world-class training and support (including LIVE CHAT with Chris himself - for Founder members only) . Now let's look at the new v2 & v3 features...

OK, Enough Is Enough. I AM IN.
Create Instant HD Videos (For VSL Sales Videos, Affiliate Reviews, YouTube Content, etc)
After our v2 update, Remixable now includes a full video creation suite, allowing you to create VSL sales videos to embed onto your Remixable sales pages & sell the software you build with Remixable (or the Software Generator)..

Firstly, grab one of our DFY template scripts and edit it in seconds. There are 12x VSL templates (all from video scripts that sold $xx,xxx to $xxx,xxx in revenue). Then paste your script into the "1 Click Voice Tool" to create an instant natural-sounding voice-over. Lastly, drop this voice-over into the "Rapid Render" video creation tool. This will automatically transcribe the mp3, break the text into slides (and even "scenes"), and then select and recommend media (from 300+ videos and images) for each slide. All 300+ preloaded media was hand-picked by Chris, specifically for marketing topics, including some of Chris's own proof (eg. voice-over says "clickbank" and clickbank proof appears).

Then, export your new HD video and upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Everything is done from your browser (no other tools required). The video creation suite can be used to create either VSL sales videos, affiliate review or content videos.

We've even included media for daily affiliate programs, allowing you to create review videos for dozens of new digital products every month. The video creation suite may have "just" been a v2 update, but we think it's the most powerful video building system on the planet (outside of an in-house $5k/month video editor and voice-over artist team).

I Want To Crush YouTube, Too!

Build New, Unique, Custom Software (No Developers, No Code, No Programmers)
Firstly, remember that Remixable includes built-in resell rights for 50x software tools (with more added on average every 3 weeks in Q4 of 2022!). You can mix-and-match these tools into a "software suite", and use the DFY copywriting, branding and page-building tools to create a brand new software brand in seconds. We've had five and six-figure product launches built entirely from old, "remixed" software products, exactly like this. However, what if you want to create your own software programs... but don't have $2-20k to spend on a developer?

Well, that's where the Software Generator comes in. This cloud-based tool allows you to build your own unique, hosted cloud-based software from your browser, that you can sell. Either sell these tools as standalone tools, package them into a branded "suite" (with some of the 50x resell rights tools), or even give them away as bonuses with your affiliate promos. Or why not do all of the above - after all, each new software tool can literally be built in under a day!

OK, Enough Is Enough. I AM IN.
PROOF: This Is What You'll Be Remixing

"DoneForYou Products: There are 50x DFY, pre-made software products which you can repackage as your own brand (in seconds). These same products have been sold by me - and have grossed over $1 million."

  • And For All The Products There Are...

"DoneForYou Content x50: these "niche packs" are a collection of copywriting words, headlines, images and more that have been converted for me over the years. You can remix, edit and respin these - in seconds."

  • ...And You Can Add This DFY Content Into...

"DoneForYou Designs x500: I've taken every block that I converted for me since 2015 and made it "remixable". Spin them to any style or product in seconds. They're all "remixable" & just a click away."

  • Now Keep Reading For The Main Takeaways...

"An Entire Business Model: Selling digital products is THE most profitable method I've ever come across. I first said that in 2007 when I had my first six-figure month, selling digital products. 15 years on, and I'm still having six-figure months with this."

  • And With The Latest v2 and v3 Updates, You Can...

"Remix The Software Industry Itself: With the Software Generator (included in v3), you're now part of the "no-code" movement, which means you'll be building cutting-edge software without even using a single line of code."

  • ...So Yes, We've Just Locked Down Video Too...

"YouTube & Video Creation: With the v2 update, we added a fully-fledged video creator (with DFY preloaded media), a voice-over creator and DFY video script templates. Plus, media for new, daily affiliate programs. Preview video in the footer below"

  • Now Keep Reading For The Product Summary!

And YES, As A Founder Member, You're Getting In On The Ground Floor (Although It Took Me $170k+ To Build This... This Is STILL JUST VERSION 3!) Which Means No Extra Fees - EVER. And Let Me Be Clear...

you will never be "limited" again - you can scale up your business with unlimited pages & websites. Start with the most profitable page type on the planet - the sales page (we're adding more in the next few weeks...)

you can create unlimited software packages & resell my $400k software tools, over and over. With 50x software products to sell, the combination of unique packages you could sell is a number bigger than the mass of the earth, in grams.

you can get as many visitors to your site as you like. Bandwidth isn't a thing since you're on the same servers as Netflix & Pinterest. And remember, you'll be getting the same server-smelting buyer-traffic as I enjoy myself (this is vital - as a digital product boss, you can FINALLY get the buyer traffic that has so far eluded you...)

I will continue to add new features as Remixable grows. After all, this is a tool I'm using myself. It took me over $130k in development costs - plus one full year in lockdown - to create this. And that was only version 1. As a founder member, you can review and upvote the next features - to decide where my next $100k goes!

EVERYTHING You Need To Profit & Build Your First REAL Internet Business Is Already Built & Pre-Loaded Inside This Cutting-Edge, Cloud-Based Software Tool (It Took Me 15 Years.. But It's Just A Click Away)

Get Instant Access To Remixable Now!
Get Everything You Need To Run Your Online Business
(With Technology That Is SO NEW You Won't Believe It Until You Click The Green Button & Enter The Members Area!)
All-In-One Suite
Page & Site Builder
Brand Builder
Software Builder
Domain Name Tool
Create New Software
Subdomain Tool
Secure Hosting
eCover Creator
Logo Creator
50x DFY Niches
Create HD Videos
100% DFY Copy
50x Resell Rights
15x Video Training
24/7 Live-Chat + Support
v1,v2,v3 Features Included
All v4> Features Included
Click Here. Join The Club NOW
Site Builder
DFY Niche Content
Resell Software Builder
35x Now 50x! Tool Suite
Traffic, Video & Voice Tools
Software Generator
Live Chat
Support Ticket
Quick Start Training
Customer Polls
version 1-3
version 4
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
Contact Us
Member Login

Go ahead.. the button.

It's completely risk-free and you'll get instant access to everything here in under a minute.
We crossed $130k in development costs, building Remixable, before we went live. We're now on version 3. Join now to see exactly why this changes everything for people like you.

Disclosure: this article and the link is part of the affiliate marketing program

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