It's best when you're a kid

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

From the cradle to the grave, childhood is the most beautiful for every person. Childhood is that period of our life from the moment when we took the first steps towards the world and left our mother's skirt, until the school days, when we had to get serious and start making decisions. The first time you have to make a decision on your own, it is a sign that you have grown up and that your childhood is over.


Nothing is so carefree and naive as children's play and shouting when they are a small child. There is no problem in the vocabulary of us little people, whom you adults call children. Everything is achievable and everything is possible, everything is easy and harmless, there are no borders. It is possible to conquer the whole world, only if you want to. On the wings of imagination, it is easy to go around the planet, it is easy to be whatever you want.

When I think of my childhood, I can't help but remember my street where I used to live, the street of wild chestnuts where we spent all day, either summer or winter, playing all kinds of games. My grandmothers and grandfathers remind me of my childhood, where I went every weekend. The smell of fresh, freshly baked bread and cinnamon cake would greet me every time I arrived. Eh, it's been a few years since Grandma and Grandpa are no longer with us.


My childhood days passed peacefully and quietly, I was one of those children who can play with anyone, I was never grumbling and choking. There were several situations when I was punished for injustice. These were my first encounters with real life, then I realized how cruel he can be and how many blows he can inflict. And it’s getting harder, as we get older, we realize more and more how much everything was simpler when we were younger.

I remember that the best days for all the children from the area were when there was a fair in the city. Then the circus would arrive in the city. What kind of points could we see in the circus. There would be various animals, trained for the circus that did interesting movements, or a juggler juggling with 10 balls. In addition to the circus, an amusement park would be set up in those days. Huge carousels that we rushed to, even though we knew it would make our heads spin after that.


The river, dirty and polluted today, used to be our favorite picnic spot, where we would go with blankets and sandwiches that our mothers would prepare for us and spend all day. We were all for one, one for all, and today we are in different schools, some have even moved away, the street has remained half empty.


When I think of all those wonderful old days of my childhood, I am grateful and happy that I lived it that way. I miss that naivety and carefreeness, the ease of living.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓢𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱❤️

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