Coffee & Great Mornings

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Just had my favorite Caramel Macchiato! How about you?

My love for coffee extends far back to when I was just a kid and would sneak a sip of my dad's coffee. My love for coffee has developed over the years, but has grown more than ever the past few years. I know it may seem kind of silly to some to love something like a beverage as much as I do, but then again, it’s more than just a beverage to me. For me coffee is so inviting, it became so natural to me to feel relaxed and at ease whenever I have m cup. I'm really not a morning person at all, which means I wake up slowly. Coffee is a great way to slowly push me back to reality, but keep me feeling relaxed at the same time.

Coffee and conversation is the bomb! I have has so many amazing and meaningful conversations over coffee with my favorite people. The warmth of coffee just sets the tone of home, which is why I believe it’s the most conversational beverage.

How about you? What is your story about coffee?

       @sakura1012 is an ambivert, a non-conformist, a clinical psychology graduate student, a proud feminist and a life traveler. She is currently a part time writer- a mental health advocate and a mental health professional. She promotes mental health awareness and psychology related topics through her blogs. Join her as she do the things that she loves by putting her thoughts into words and by raising her voice though her articles.

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