Bunnies, Herds, and Waterships, Poetry, Digital Art, and Photography

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Bunnies, Herds, and Waterships

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Today Russell Brand asked whether it isn't time to have a more open discussion on how the last last year and a half have been handled. He sited from an open letter to the Prime Minister signed by over 100 healthcare professionals in Britain calling for an "open and scientific debate' over pandemic policies.


Russell emphasizes the importance of caring for the vulnerable during a time like this. I can't imagine many people would disagree.

However some may disagree on whether any protection of the aged and ill was ever achieved.

Certainly this girl ....

It sure IS important to protect vulnerable people ... WOW. That's an understatement. I pray we start doing that soon and stop dividing families for profit and some insane agenda NOT decided upon through democracy but dictated through special agencies and interests.


If you are paying any attention to twitter today, you will see Ivermectin trending and perhaps posts like this.

You know reminding you that only Trump supporters are for old-fashion medications that just also happen to be effective with other mammals and as such ivermectin proponents are basically animals, and reasonable lefties are for vaccines and are all sciency and stuff.

Because if something isn't profitable how can it be effective?

I mean think about it ... isn't that the message and the motivation behind these memes?

Think about it. Ivermectin didn't suddenly become bad medicine. It has been used for decades in HUMAN healing.


If you are fortunate and turned on to the reality of corporate propaganda and how we played are off each other with divisive ideologies and labels ... if you know even an inkling about successful ivermectin use in humans, maybe your algorithms will allow you to see something like this.


If you are really turned and interested in helping people then maybe you will have the chance to come across this.


NO ... STOP ... scroll back up and watch that.

You have to understand even if you are double Vx'd, if ADE becomes more widespread, you are going to need the very medications they are maligning.



Resurrect the Watership

inhabiting the fringe
in search of a way out of the system
it's all red and blue pills
saccharine and syrupy

go on a trip
choose either rabbit hole
two entrances to the same warren


the Watership went down
long ago, your enemies transformed
with the help of Davy Jones
now haunt and oppress your soul

your foes are at one with you
wherever you go
and this new landscape is dry
withered and decaying
take a deep breathe
of its arid air


feel the thin winds
sharp and lashing
cut through the scarred granite
of ancient burns

apply the brackish balm
greasy layers of new soot

preserve the rock face
with blackened bones
and acerbic polymer

scream … I wasn’t given directions for this


the human residue
that remains
finally understands
neither the red nor the blue
resurrects the Watership


It really is time to wake up and understand how we are manipulated against our own health and best interests, manipulated away from love where the real power is found.


There is only loving our way out of this. Your enemy does not try to save your life with more information and choice. Your enemy is the hate inside you. It makes you violent and ignoant.


Words and Images are my own.

Resurrect the Watership is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels and available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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