Authority Reigns, Russell Brand Response Blog, Digital Art and Photography, Poetry

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Authority Reigns


So funnily enough there seems to be some glitches with my twitter account. I am sure it is a coincidence but ... I will persevere.

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Below you will find the tweet that Twitter finds so threatening that it is shadow banning ... shown only by clicking into my tweets and replies.

Russell Brand along with Derren Brown offer some a very thoughtful and relevant social commentary.

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Here is my more extended response and a direct link.

You find the "Truth in dialogue"; so shutting dialogue obscure truth.

Personally I consider myself left of center and would love to live in a world where we could enact more socialist policy through open and DEMOCRATIC and open means, and not through propaganda and coercion. I have learned that basing policy ONLY on compassion and not exercising reason, to work out the pitfalls and kinks, just ends in tyranny; the same way only exercising reason without compassion does the same.

Community are made up of individuals; you have to balance the care of both or both will become dysfunction. No reasonable AND compassionate believes they can have it ALL their own way. We silence opposition to the detriment of all.


I don't know about you but I need some positive poetry.


Chromatic Vision

beauty is in the eye
of those with the mind
to open the soul

focal points too narrow
prisms to prisons
see in black and white

cataracts form
clouds shackle irises
to a world of monochrome

beauty is in the eye
of those with the mind
to open the soul


black bursts
to iridescence
paler hues
birth their glow

Now you are seeing
with full chromatic vision

beauty is in the eye
of those with the mind
to open the soul

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It is easy to offer compassion to those we disagree but if we want to see greater compassion in the world, it is essential we give compassion to those we DISAGREE with and do our very best to try to understand and by doing so arrive at more functional and compassionate solutions.

We need to question and open our minds to greater understanding. It is imperative that we let go of sides. Let go of the reigns they control us with.

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When the Tao is not heard
Virtue is revered

When virtue is lost
Intelligence governs

When ignorance shoves out intelligence
Authority reigns

When authority is inevitably thrown-off
Violence is king

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Words and Images are my own.

Chromatic Vision is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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