Fire battle Water elemental // Close Victory

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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Peace to all of the members of the community,

How have you started your week? I hope it has begun as you thought few hours ago.

I have fought many team since I started the ranking battles in Splinterlands. The current battle was somehow special due to the opposite elemental in the arena.

My team was represented with the fire summoner Qid and the opponent brought the water summoner Alric.
On the first look of the lineup of both teams it is easy to predict a defeat of the fire team. However, the Exploding Dwarf, Sand worm and Parasitic growth demonstrated their bravery on the battleground changing the outcome of the battle.

The ruleset Equalizer boosted the life point of my dwarf transforming this monster to suicidal machine agains the opponent team.

Spreading fury worked in favor of my melee attackers and depleted the enemy reserve of heart point faster than normal strikes.

As the battle got closer to the round 5 I was doubting the effecacy of my strategy against the famous magic monsters Mermaid and Prismatic.

Magic attacks from the opposite side of the board were effective to retired my monsters even though the Equilizer was in full effect on the monster.

Finally, the round 8 concluded this match and the victory was clearly for the fire elemental team.

I must emphasize the role that the ruleset played in the success of my team during this battle. In the case of absence of the Equalizer this lineup wouldn't have made to the third round.

The battle link is as follow

Thank you for reading.

If you have any questions please share your thought about this battle freely in comment section.

Best regards

▶️ 3Speak


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