"Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today!" -

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Hi friends today I want to talk to you about small victories are anything you achieve, in any area or aspect of your life, that aligns with your intentions and can be easily ignored, especially if you overreach, practice too much self-criticism or perfectionism.

Recognition of small wins helps you keep track of how far you have come. This is especially important when you are trying to instil a new habit or make a lifestyle change. Growth in any area of life is progress.
"Perhaps you are overestimating what you don't have and underestimating what you do have. Gratitude has a real use. It is also a protection against victimisation and resentment. Your co-worker is doing better than you at work. But your wife does. an affair, while your marriage is stable and happy. who is winning?" - Jordan Peterson

Celebrating your small victories is a powerful way to show yourself that you realise how amazing you are. It boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. Watching you celebrate your victories can be an invitation for others to celebrate their own victories as well.
In the book "Outstanding", Malcolm Gladwell explains that it takes about 10,000 hours to master something. So it's not natural talent that matters, but practice that makes perfect, and we often compare ourselves to someone who has many more hours of practice than we do.

Every victory starts with the decision to try. As Henry Ford said: "There are more people who give up than there are people who fail". To achieve a great victory it is necessary to resist, to persist and to act. Don't compare yourself to other people, but to your past performance. Your biggest battles are against you.

Don't wait until you reach your goals to be proud of yourself. Celebrate and be proud of every small victory!

 3 years ago 

Well said, we should better ourselves day by day,

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