Coding – A primary subject for the Middle School of the future.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Coding or computer programming is the act of using languages to instruct a computer to perform functions Or we Can also say that Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave how you want it to. Every line of code tells the computer to do something.

How is it currently Implemented in the Indian Subcontinent

Coding is currently implemented on a high school level ranging from 9th st. to even 12th st. This is further only carried out in engineering Colleges and there is no other way of acquiring it professionally except for online platforms.

What is wrong with this current Implementation

The Problem with the current implementation is that the learning curve gets very steep the same way is someone taught maths from 9th st. and suddenly jumped to algebra from bod-mas. There is a learning curve with coding and it needs to be followed properly in order to create a new generation of creative thinkers.

Why is it necessary

It’s hard to imagine a life without software usage today. When we wake up in the morning we use our digital alarm clock, we make phone calls that are software-controlled, we are constantly connected to a network via our phone or computer, we make road trips based on a digital navigation system, we shop online, download films onto our tablets, we use programmed machines to produce our clothes, interiors, food, and other objects. All of the above have been programmed by a developer and since these technologies play such a large role in modern life, we need more people who understand how they work, not only for future job opportunities but also during their current education. Schools are now starting to use devices rather than books as educational tools which makes it crucial that our children know how to operate them.


How is it going
With the government's new educational plan coding is going to be taught to children from 6th st. And that's a very great decision to make this country stronger the world a better place to live and far more important than that a happy future.

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