We can meet our nutritional needs by cultivating vegetables.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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We consume food for the nourishment of the body and through which we can live a functional life keeping the body healthy and strong. Therefore, vegetables have been occupying an important place in the human food list since time immemorial. The importance of vegetables in the food list is increasing day by day as our subcontinent is home to a vegetable dependent food system and health awareness among people all over the world. And this trend is more noticeable in the developed world than in the less developed world. That is why the daily per capita consumption of vegetables in these countries is 4 to 5 times or more than in countries like ours. That is why the citizens of those countries are far ahead of us in terms of physical ability including development of intellect and intellect. To end this situation, there is no substitute for the inclusion of a variety of vegetables in our diet to ensure adequate intake of the two essential nutrients for the human body, different types of mineral salts and vitamins. We need to change our sugar-based eating habits and give priority to a variety of leafy and fruity vegetables in our diet. In our food world, different types of vegetables are probably the only food, which has no negative effect on the body structure except the positive. At present we are self-sufficient in cereals but the issue of nutrition security has not been given due importance. Food security will become meaningless if nutrition security is not effectively linked to food security. Malnutrition is one of the major problems in Bangladesh at present. And vegetable crops can play a very effective role in ensuring a nutritious balanced diet to overcome this problem as vegetable crops are rich in various nutrients. Therefore, more production and adoption of vegetable crops can reduce the pressure on cereals and ensure food and nutrition security as well as provide greater profits for the farmer brothers and can also make a huge contribution to the country's economy.
Position of vegetables in per capita availability
According to BBS 2015, the total area under crop land is 8.93 million hectares, of which only 2.63% is occupied by vegetable crops. From this, it can be estimated how much land is being used to meet the demand of vegetables for our growing population. And so production is not enough in terms of per capita needs. Even though the availability of high yielding improved varieties of vegetable crops per unit area of ​​vegetable crops cannot be ensured, the progress of production is first in the world and third in terms of production growth in terms of expected arable land growth. According to the latest data from the Bureau of Statistics, 3.63 million metric tons (excluding potatoes) of vegetables have been produced from just 0.40 million hectares of land. As such, about 72 grams of vegetables have been produced per person per day. But this amount can never be taken as per capita per capita because according to various media calculations, even if one-fourth is lost at the post-collection stage, it comes down to 50 grams. There may be controversy over the amount in statistical analysis but it seems that the FAO cutter does not allow more than one-third of 220 grams per capita per day. In that case production has to be increased three times or more than at present.
Nutrition security and food security
Nutrition security is closely linked to food security. At one time, food security meant the availability of food to satisfy hunger as needed, but nutrition did not matter much. Three issues vital to food security are food availability, food availability and food nutrition. And because of the latter of the three essentials, the inclusion of vegetables in the diet must be essential in order to get an effective supply of balanced food according to the demand.
Vegetables are nutritious
Vegetables are a very nutritious food and are a delicacy of raw or cooked vegetables. Just as the variety of vegetables in our daily diet brings variety in taste, so does the presence of a variety of vegetables meet a variety of nutritional needs. Vegetables rich in all the essential and important nutrients for the human body are therefore an essential part of a healthy, vigorous, functional and intelligent nation's food list. Farmers involved in production will benefit financially as well as contribute to the elimination of malnutrition by ensuring the expansion of effective cultivation of all kinds of safe vegetables and effective market system throughout the year. And if that is done, there will be stability in the production system of important crops like vegetables which will help in nutrition security and poverty alleviation.


Yes man

 3 years ago 

Vegetables are very good for health

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vegetables, so good

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