They are benefiting financially by cultivating fish in every village in Bangladesh.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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Fish is an important part of our daily essential nutrients. History testifies that we are Bengalis in fish and rice. In the course of time, we were in a state of fluctuation with the fish. We have now reached a proud stage in fish production due to the sound and pragmatic policies and programs of the government. If this trend continues, we will be able to build a happy and prosperous golden Bengal of Bangabandhu's dream. The importance of the overall work at the individual level depends on the acceptance of food needs. At the state level, the provision of food to the people of the country has also become a major issue. And when food security is paramount in every development sector, it goes without saying that meeting our food needs is the key to all our activities. But when food security is at stake, all socio-economic or infrastructural development of the country becomes a secondary issue. So first of all we have to ensure the food security of the country. Food security actually increases dependence on agriculture. In the context of Bangladesh, the fisheries sector directly affects agriculture, just as food grains facilitate food security on demand. Because as the large population of the country is dependent on this sector, the supply of protein in the food list is also constantly being ensured. Again fish is directly affecting food demand as a dietary supplement.

About 70% of the total population of our country lives in agriculturally dependent rural areas. Agriculture is considered to be the main source of trade and commerce. Again, the plan for the survival of a large population of over 16 crore in this small country also comes from agriculture. 2021 will mark the 50th anniversary of our great independence. Keeping this glorious chapter in mind, the present government is working tirelessly in the belief of making our country a self-reliant country free from hunger and poverty. The importance of the fisheries sector in food security is immense as the government is committed to helping the country become self-sufficient in food, reducing the number of unemployed from 2.8 crore to 1.5 crore by 2021, reducing the poverty line and extreme poverty to 25 and 15 per cent. We have to think of more or less production by following modern methods and technology. The fisheries sector is meeting 63 percent of the nutritional needs of the people. Again, 8 percent of the total export income is coming from the export of fish and fish products. Despite all this, our contribution in this sector is comparatively less. Sources of fisheries are: Permanent and seasonal ponds 2415 ha, haor 548 ha, road and railway adjacent baropit 14 thousand ha, tea garden baropit 11 thousand ha, fish cultivable paddy land 8 lakh ha, shrimp farm (coastal) 141353 ha, Flood land is 6 lakh hectares and wetlands are 8 lakh hectares. However, many wetlands are being used unplanned even within this source. In the development of the country, the whole of the wetlands must be brought into the planned modernity. According to the roadmap for building a digital Bangladesh, the target for total fish production in our country in 2015 was set at 35.40 lakh tonnes. The current production there is only around 2.5 million tons. The number of people is increasing by about 25 lakhs every year. The field of fish production is shrinking due to various reasons. The lion's share of the country's fish production is at the private or individual level. Out of the population of the country, 1.25 crore people are directly or indirectly involved in the fisheries sector for their livelihood. Of these, about 12.5 lakh people are employed in this sector full time.

Experts say that the development of the fisheries sector needs to think about 01. Find and implement various activities in source and realistic natural techniques; 02. Finding ways to cultivate techniques for a timely natural resource and its proper use; 03. Creating skilled manpower for expansion and conservation of resources; So as not to be trapped by the law, but to be implemented through a social movement that creates a sense of need; 04. To conduct farm based fish farming activities by pooling some area based ponds or water bodies. In this, keeping in mind the issue of interbreeding, fry production and fish farming activities can be conducted. 05. To inform the social needs and farming techniques of fish farming from all religious places of worship including schools, temples, mosques. 07. Freshwater and saltwater fish and small hilsa (jatka) need to be brought into production especially through conservation in a natural way. Where about 465 million Jatka Hilsa was caught. If they are given a chance to grow, it will be very easy to increase the contribution of Hilsa to the total fish production of the country which is 12 percent; 07. Rich resource center for exchanging information needed for fish farmers; 07. Farmers should be developed as capable of dealing with natural disasters and risk aversion. 09. To provide easy access to loans for fish farming; 10. To formulate Jalmahal policy considering the fishermen. To make the Fisheries Policy-2009 more up-to-date for fish farming; 11. To formulate and properly implement policies to alleviate poverty by considering natural resources, physical infrastructure resources, economic resources and human resources as coordinators; 12. To make arrangements for the exchange of modern information technology with a wide area from the shores of ponds to the deep waters of the sea in Digital Bengal for the development of fisheries resources. So that the fisherman / farmer gets a good idea about all the techniques and methodological information of fish farming and the reasons for reducing the risk. This will increase employment, income and supply of meat, the country will be self-sufficient. And the Vision-2021 adventure will be successful.
The role of fisheries resources is very important in economic development, especially in meeting the demand for meat. Most of the people in Bangladesh are farmers and live in villages. Fish farming is a part of the economic income of these rural people. Fish can be farmed in the ponds around every house. The people of this country have the mentality and ability required for fish farming. All that is needed is to motivate them to fish in a planned way. At present, under the initiative of the government and individuals, our country has started cultivating improved varieties of fish through artificial insemination like the developed countries of the world. As a result, fish farming is constantly expanding in the country. Poor families and unemployed youth are also self-reliant.
At present there are public and private fish fry / seed production farms all over the country. The amount of fish, meat, milk and eggs being produced in the country is not enough to meet the demand to eliminate malnutrition. In addition to the government's efforts in this regard, the rest must be the necessary initiative. More fish farms need to be set up, which will help meet the nutritional needs. Fish farming in fallow ponds in a modern way, which can play a very important role in our poverty alleviation. This technology is as simple and low cost as it is useful for the poor people. Therefore, the entire waters of the country must be used properly.

The contemporary world is almost entirely technology dependent. People have come a long way in using modern science and technology to improve the quality of life and demand. The development of new technologies has brought a lot of abundance and prosperity but due to the lack of proper use of these technologies we are still lagging behind in many cases compared to the developing countries. Although fish farming has increased in this country, it is insufficient compared to the domestic demand. If modern technology is applied and implemented in all the wetlands of the country, it is possible to meet the demand of fish. The world's production strategy is now trade-based. Its main goal is to make more profit by investing less labor and capital. Fisheries are no exception. All the countries of the world are now cultivating improved varieties of fish in a modern way. Improved fish farms have been developed. Artificial insemination is an important technology in fisheries development. Through this system, the developed countries of the world have achieved massive self-reliance. We too will go that way with courage, technology and strength.

Fish farming technology is extremely simple. With the help of this, educated and illiterate people of our country can become self-reliant. In this process, the people of this country need a logical mindset for fish farming. All that is needed is to motivate them to fish in a planned way. Fish farming requires improved breeds or disease-free fry, which can grow rapidly. With the necessary sound and proper management and scientific strategies. Europe and Russia are big markets for shrimp in Bangladesh. Demand for the euro and the ruble has fallen sharply against the dollar. Bangladesh Bank can provide export support guidelines for their repayment. The government can provide advanced modern technology to increase production. In addition, to survive in the competition, we need to think about how to reduce production costs. The economic condition of Bangladesh can change if fish farming is done in the right rules and methods. The educated unemployed youth of this country are constantly trying in the hope of employment. Some of them are moving forward with the dream of doing something new. Many people are now leaning towards fish farming to get rid of the stigma of unemployment. The rate at which fish farming is increasing in the country in recent times and if this trend can be continued, fish will be able to make a huge contribution to the national economy in a very short time. Millions of people in the country have become self-sufficient by fish farming. And the success of fish farming has raised the name of Bangladesh in the international arena. At present, Bangladesh is proud of its position in the world in fish production in local closed reservoirs. In addition to the steady increase in the number of fisheries, fish production from post-independence fisheries has increased 1.6 times.


interesante... oye allí en ese lugar también llegan las olas de cardumen? como reacciona la gente ante este acontecimiento?

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