Rejuvenation of mango is a good method.

in Account Booster 👍4 years ago

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Rejuvenation is a method of making an old or densely planted tree / garden, a tree / garden that does not bear fruit at all or produces very little fruit, a fruit tree / garden. Usually in 15-20 year old orchards the fruit production is less than before, the trees become weak, the tree or garden management activities become complicated and the trees are more affected by diseases and insects. Insects cannot be easily controlled. The following complications are seen in this condition.

  • Yield is severely reduced or not at all.
  • Pulses disrupt the required ratio of sugars and nitrogen. For mango stalks to have buds, the stalks must have sufficient amount of both high sugar and low nitrogen before flowering. Not only that, the share of sugar should be more than the share of nitrogen. And if the two parts are equal or especially the nitrogen level of the branch is higher than the sugar, then the leaf comes instead of the bud at the tip of the branch.
  • In the case of densely planted gardens, there is competition for food among the trees. As a result, the tree does not get moderate food.
  • Due to the presence of dense stalks, the normal growth of the plant is hampered due to poor lighting and ventilation.
    Older / denser gardens have more dead, diseased and insect infested stalks. The stalks take food but do not bear any fruit, which severely impairs the normal growth of the plant.
  • The lower branches of the tree have less sunlight, so it can be said that there is no yield. Moreover, those branches became a haven for diseases and insects. As a result, the growth of the tree is affected.
    Rejuvenation Methods and Management: The rejuvenation process can be used to rejuvenate old, unproductive / dense mango orchards or trees which are described as-
  • Older, more dense and non-fruit bearing gardens / trees should be cut off in August-September at a height of 2.75 m-3.00 m above the ground.
  • Apply tar / paint on the cut part.
  • Fertilizer, irrigation and drainage arrangements have to be made.
  • New cuttings will come out in 3-4 months after cutting the pulses.
  • Dense branches will come out in 6-7 months after cutting the stalks.
  • Leaving 5-6 healthy-strong, thick-fresh twigs in each branch, diseased, dead, insect-infested, weak twigs should be cut off.
  • After cutting the stalks, the infestation of diseases and insects is more on the roots and newly sprouted leaves. For this, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant and apply pesticides and fungicides.
  • The cut tree does not bear any fruit in the first year.
  • Thinning of newly sprouted branches of cut trees will continue till the second year.
  • In the second year, January-February, flowers will appear on the sprouted branches of the cut tree.
  • In the second year the cuttings bear fruit on the newly sprouted branches of the tree.
    Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions.
    Fertilizer application: In order to make new stalks grow and freshen the cut tree, it is essential to apply organic manure in addition to applying organic manure by cultivating in the mango orchard or weeding the roots of the tree. In case of application of fertilizer at the base of the tree, fertilizer can be given at a distance of 1.0-1.5 m from the base. Note all the fertilizers that need to be applied in this case.
    Half of the mentioned fertilizers should be applied in the first stage immediately after cutting the branches of the tree and the other half in the second stage should be applied in August-September.
    Irrigation and drainage: After application of fertilizer, in order for the plant to receive the fertilizer, an irrigation system should be arranged in the mango orchard first. After that, the plants should be irrigated from time to time in such a way that the soil has sap. Care should be taken to ensure that water does not accumulate for a long time in the mango orchard or at the base of the tree.
    Insects and management
    Leaf-eating caterpillars
    This insect (baby) attacks the leaves of seedlings and large mango trees. The female moth lays white eggs like pearls lined up on the upper edge of the ampatha. When the worms emerge from the eggs, the worms first cling to the leaves, then spread to the tree, leaving the midribs of the leaves and eating the whole leaf, leaving the infected tree completely or partially leafless. This hinders the food production of the tree and weakens the tree. If the attack is too much, the tree does not flower and bear fruit.
    As soon as you see the leaves with eggs, you have to collect and burn them. The caterpillars in clusters or scattered condition should be collected and crushed or burnt with the feet. Sandals or shoes must be worn on the feet when crushing with the feet. In case of high infestation, 20 ml of Dimecron / Diazinon 60 EC (4 Cork) or Sumithion 50 EC should be mixed in every 10 liters of water and sprayed by soaking the soil at the base of the plant including leaves and twigs.
    Type of leaf beetle damage: This insect lays eggs by making small holes in the lower back of the young ampatha. Then cut the kachipati (red leaf) with eggs at night a little away from the stem with scissors. This destroys the new leaves of the tree and reduces food production. As a result the seedlings or trees become weak.
    If the level of infestation is high, 20 ml Sumithion 60 EC should be mixed in every 10 liters of water and the soil at the base of the tree should be soaked and sprayed. This insect hides under the leaves and weeds lying under the tree during the day. Therefore, the leaves should be collected and burnt as soon as they are seen under the tree.
 4 years ago 

Buena publicación amigo @looking

 4 years ago 


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