Proper care of mango tree gives much higher yield.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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Bangladesh has come a long way in fruit cultivation in the last 10-12 years. Our small country is seventh in mango production and 26th in total fruit production. Different care is required from the time of mango collection to the next flowering of mango. Mango is a favorite and popular fruit.
But in our country the yield of mango tree is comparatively less i.e. the average yield per unit of land is also less. In addition, the yield varies widely in different parts of the country. For example, mango yield in Chapainawabganj and Rajshahi is much higher than any other area. It is possible to increase the yield of mango up to several times with a little effort at different stages of production.
Fertilizer application is essential every year for balanced growth and higher yield of mango like other crops. Fertilizer levels of mango trees have to be determined on the basis of age, shape and soil fertility. Different doses of fertilizer have to be applied to seedlings and fruit trees. It is better to apply organic manure in the soil as it increases the quality of the soil and increases the fruit bearing capacity of the plant. Note the amount of fertilizer to be applied to the trees of different ages.
It is better to apply all the fertilizers in 2 installments. However, complete fertilizer can be given at once. In the first installment half of the fertilizer should be applied in the month of Baishakh-Jyastha and in the second installment the remaining fertilizer should be applied in the month of Ashwin. If there is a lack of sap in the soil, it is necessary to irrigate it with fertilizer. Fertilizing roots of the tree are far from the trunk or roots of the tree so fertilizer should not be applied at the very beginning of the tree. Fertilizer can be given in two ways. The first is in the ring method and the second is sprinkled on the ground. In case of ring method, about 2 m away from the base of the tree where there are feeding roots, 30 cm. Wide and 15-20 cm. Cut a deep circular ditch and apply organic and chemical fertilizers inside the ditch and cover the ditch with soil. On the other hand, in case of application of fertilizer by scattering in the soil, it is necessary to sprinkle all kinds of fertilizers on the soil as much as the shade of the trees falls at noon and mix it well by chopping or cultivating the soil with a spade.
Regular watering is required at the base of the mango seedlings immediately after planting. The seedlings can be irrigated in all seasons except monsoon season. In addition, fruit trees need to be irrigated at least twice in the dry season. It is necessary to irrigate the mango once in full bud stage and again in mango cocoon stage. Irrigation at this time increases the holding of mango pods and prevents the pods from falling. In addition, if there is a lack of juice in the soil during the growth of mango, it is necessary to irrigate with water. Weed control measures should be taken through cultivation realizing the opportunity. When the mango collection is over, the diseased or dead stalks from the mango tree should be pruned with a little good part. If there are parasites in the mango tree, they should be cut and removed.
Suppression methods
This time is very important to get good yield from mango orchard. Occasionally mango orchards need to be visited. Failure to control diseases and insects at the right time can severely reduce mango yields. Mango yields as expected by selecting the right pesticides to control these diseases and insects and using the right method at the right time at the right dose. For example: 1. Hopper insects prefer darker or more shady places so the stalks need to be pruned regularly so that light air can enter the tree. 2. When the mango buds are 10-25 cm, i.e. before flowering, and once the mango is pea-shaped, the whole plant should be sprayed with the prescribed dose of Cypermethrin, Carbaryl or Imidacloprid group pesticides. 3. Since mango hopper insects cause infestation of shuntimold or soot disease, sulfur fungicide at the rate of 2 gm per liter of water should be mixed with the prescribed pesticide used to control hopper insects. This hopper or fudki insect can do the most damage to mango. Therefore, all kinds of management should be taken in time to repel this insect from the mango orchard. Otherwise mango yield may be reduced at once.
Invasion of powdery mildew disease is mainly seen in mango buds and young mangoes. At first a white or gray powdery coating is seen on the top edge of the mango buds. In favorable weather this powder spreads rapidly in full buds. All the flowers of the affected buds are destroyed. In this condition only two of the buds stand. If the attack is high, all the buds are destroyed and the tree does not bear any fruit. As soon as the symptoms of the disease appear, the fungicide of Sulfur Group should be mixed at the rate of 2 g per liter of water and sprayed twice at intervals of 8-10 days.
Dental disease can start only if it is like mango pea. The body of the infected mango turns brown, the peel ruptures and becomes rough. Infected mango growth is stunted and falls off within a few days. The disease causes brown spots on the body of the growing mango. In favorable weather, the spots continue to grow and cover the entire mango body. The skin of the affected area is damaged. The market price of mango goes down due to the roughness of the mango body. With the onset of the disease, Roval (2 gm per liter of water) or Bavistin at the rate of 1 gm per liter of water or Cabriottop at the rate of 3 gm per liter of water can be sprayed 3-4 times every 8-10 days.
I use chemicals
Unscrupulous traders sometimes use different types of chemicals.
Ways to recognize fruits cooked with carbide: You should not buy or eat any fruit that comes in the market before the season. The skin color of the fruit is the same everywhere, it looks a lot like a beautiful raw yellow color. It should be understood that it is artificially rolled fruit with calcium carbide. If the banana is artificially ripened, the color of the banana will be yellow and the stem of the banana will be dark green. The color and skin of the tomato will become equally gorgeous dark red. Mango and papaya will turn orange. So be careful to buy fruit.
Culter (Paclobutrazol): Some mango traders use Culter or Paclobutrazol in mango trees in the hope of higher yield. The use of this chemical has not yet been approved in Bangladesh. It is used in mango orchards in many countries of the world but in orchards of ten years or more. Consecutive use of this chemical in mango trees causes problems such as: new shoots / branches of the tree become shorter and the size of the leaves becomes smaller. The size of the tree seems to be diseased or deficient in essential nutrients. The immunity of the plant is reduced and various diseases and insects attack. There is a tendency to flower early, the fruit is smaller in size and weighs less. The plant dies from other diseases including gum drop or gamosis and dieback.

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