Guava is cultivated all over Bangladesh.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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Guava cultivation has become quite profitable in Bangladesh. In order to get high yield of guava, some modern technologies have to be followed which are briefly mentioned here. Guava is good in light sandy soils and loamy soils.
Guava variety
It is easiest to propagate by seed. But the seed plant does not have the quality of the mother plant and the fruit is often inferior. So it is better to propagate by pen than by seed. Propagation by cocoon pen is very easy. As soon as the rainy season starts, the cocoons have to be penned. To tie the cocoon, choose a stalk as thick as a pencil, leave a space of 30-38 cm from the tip of the stalk to the bottom, cut the bark in a circle of 3.8 to 5 cm and remove it very well.
Then place the clay mixed with rotten dung 1.3-2.5 cm thick around the place and tie it well with straw, bark piece or plastic so that the cocoon comes out in time.
In order to maintain high yield from guava, regular fertilizer application should be done at the rate of Rs
Interim care: Land should be kept free from weeds for normal growth of trees. The soil should be kept loose at the beginning after planting otherwise the seedlings will not grow fast. For this reason, especially after irrigating the land, Joe has to break the soil with a spade.
Symptoms of anthracnose
Fruits and leaves are stained. Then it turns black and dries.
Disease control: To control this disease, Companion should be sprayed with 2 gm / liter of water every week. Also keep the garden clean.
Symptoms of Sooty Mold Disease: Black dirt falls on the leaves.
Disease control: To control this disease, Blitox 2 gm / liter with Atomida 1 gm / l. Water should be sprayed.
Symptoms of scab disease: The fruit is spotted and wrinkled.
Disease control: Therefore tree success 1.5 g / l. + Kumulas 2 g / l 1.5 ml / liter of water should be sprayed.
Symptoms of die back disease
The young branches of the tree wither and die.
Disease control: Infected plants should be sprayed with Dithene M45 (Bletox) or Bordeaux mixture (1%).
Fruit fly: Soil megat eats fruit and destroys it.
Amitaf 1.5 gm or Riva 0.5 ml / L should be sprayed to control fruit flies. Spray 2-3 times a week.
Guava sucks the juice from the leaves of the tree. As a result, the leaves curl and change color to white.
Suppression management: Esataf 1.5 g / liter of water should be sprayed before attack.
Fruit extraction: When suitable for fruit extraction, green color changes to yellowish green or yellow.
Each fruit has to be cut one by one with a secateur if possible. Fruits are harvested twice a year.
Yield: 3-3 year old Kazi Guava and Bari Guava-2 give an average yield of 125 kg and 102 kg.
The pen tree gives higher yield than the seed tree.

 3 years ago 

Wow I love Guava👌

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