Fruits can be produced in Bangladesh and exported commercially.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

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Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman dreamed of building a prosperous and self-reliant developed Bangladesh. He was an agricultural and farmer-friendly man. He believed that there was no alternative to the development of agriculture to build the newly independent country. To that end, ensuring food security was one of his tasks. Today, on the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's independence, Bangabandhu's Bangladesh has created a glorious and enviable position in the world court in at least 13 cases with limited resources.
Analyzing the latest data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Bangladesh Bank, Department of Agricultural Extension, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Bangladesh ranks among the top 10 countries in the world in agriculture. Among them, Bangladesh has already achieved success in the production of whole fruits including jackfruit second, mango eighth and guava eighth. According to a statistic, Bangladesh is one of the smallest countries in the world in size but it has become an example of success in fruit production. At the moment, Bangladesh has the highest growth rate in the world. And Bangladesh has entered the list of top 10 countries in the world in the production of seasonal fruits. 20 years ago mango and jackfruit were the main fruits of this country. Now 72 species of fruits are being cultivated in Bangladesh. Where before 57 species of fruits were cultivated.
The climate of Bangladesh is very conducive for fruit production. There is a wide variety of fruits in Bangladesh and about 60 varieties of fruits are grown here, a small part of which is commercially cultivated. Considering the amount of land and production in Bangladesh, the fruits that are grown on more land and quantity are jackfruit, mango, litchi, citrus fruits, pineapple, banana, kul, papaya, guava and coconut which are considered as the main fruits. In order to facilitate the cultivation and selection of fruits of choice, it is necessary to take measures to create improved varieties of orchards by selecting all kinds of fruits from home and abroad, taking into account the location of the land suitable for the climate, local demand and profitability in cultivation.
Some fruit trees begin to bear fruit within a year of planting. Again, after planting some fruit trees, it takes 5-10 years to bear fruit. It takes a long time to bear fruit after planting. Short-term fruit cultivation (low altitude) or planting of seasonal crops can be used to offset the cost by ensuring additional yield during the intervening period. In addition, the cultivation of such relay crops indirectly takes care of the garden, which helps the fruit trees to grow faster and bear more fruit.
Profitable Fruits: There are a number of fruits which are very profitable to cultivate if you create a well-planned variety of garden and take regular care of them. Among these, banana, papaya, watermelon, pineapple, mango, cool, guava, paper lemon, orange, malta, litchi, bell, kadbel, latkan, sharifa, mango, sweet tamarind, khat variety coconut are some of them.
Contribution of native fruit cultivation
Since we get various nutritional value from native fruits, its cultivation makes an important contribution in many aspects of our lives.
Higher income: The average yield of native fruits is much higher than other cereals. As the price of fruits is higher at that rate, the income is comparatively much higher. For example, the income from cultivating paddy and wheat in one hectare of land is 15 to 20 thousand rupees. But by cultivating banana and mango in the same amount of land, the income is 75 thousand and 1 lakh rupees respectively.
In the national economy: Approximately 10 percent of the fruit-based income in the national economy of Bangladesh comes from fruits. From this it is understood that the contribution of fruits and fruit trees is very important in the national economy and in alleviating poverty.
Indigenous fruit production, processing and export potential
Bangladesh's contribution to world fruit trade is very small. Despite the high demand for fresh and processed fruits abroad, Bangladesh is currently exporting limited quantities of fresh fruits. Notable fruits exported include Jackfruit, Mango, Pineapple, Lemon, Kamranga, Batabilebu, Tamarind, Chalta. In addition to fresh fruits, frozen fruits and vegetables (satkara, jackfruit seeds, glassware, lemons, olives, mangoes, etc.) are being exported to Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Bahrain. This has created a field for earning a lot of foreign exchange through fruit exports.
Expansion of fruit cultivation in Bangladesh
At present, the daily requirement of an adult fruit is only 74.42 grams as against 200 grams. Fruit is a favorite and delicious food all over the world. The Department of Fruits, Horticultural Research Center, BARI, Gazipur has so far developed 75 improved varieties of 30 different varieties of fruits suitable for cultivation in tropical and subtropical regions, most of which have been appreciated at the farmer level and are playing an important role in increasing production. Further expansion of these improved varieties is essential.
Problems in expanding fruit cultivation
There are various problems in fruit cultivation in Bangladesh. The problems are the lack of knowledge of farmers about fruit cultivation. Lack of quality pens and seedlings. Lack of knowledge about fruit cultivation by the field officers of the Department of Agricultural Extension. Lack of coordination of agricultural extension and BADC with research institutes. Lack of improved fruit mother plants in privately owned nurseries. Lack of knowledge of farmers about quality grafting seedlings of improved varieties. In most cases, both the yield and the quality of the fruit are poor as it is a fruit tree from seed. The cultivable land of Bangladesh is declining day by day. Due to perishable fruits, due to lack of proper post transport, storage, processing and marketing, farmers often do not get a fair price and about 25 per cent of fruits are wasted after harvest. At some times of the year (May-August) there is a fruit festival but at the rest of the time (September-April) the availability of native fruits is very low. There is less incentive to create fruit tree gardens. Many times the yield is low due to unfavorable environment and hostile weather. Cultivation of non-conventional fruits along with conventional fruits is not so important so many fruits are becoming extinct in the country. As it is difficult to cultivate fruits in hilly lands, it is not under cultivation. Many people are not interested in cultivating fruits as it takes a long time for the fruits to come after planting.

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