Trending page part 2 🤔

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

So everyday I take a look at the trending page and it just seems that certain people get the same upvotes every single day no matter what they post

The trending page is complete garbage to be honest

No one really looks at the trending page no more

Because it's the same nonsense no one wants to hear the same shit over and over again

The trending page should be full of art photography music food gaming

I see a lot of post's with a lot of comments on them but most of the commenters are just looking for a upvote on there comment they don't really care about the content and that's the truth

The way the trending page is now it might as well not be there because it's crap

To all the curators out there it's time to be more fair with the way you vote

Also to all the big stakeholders if you really want the price of hive to rise stop selling the hive you earn and stop upvoting the same crap

One more thing don't tell people what they can and can't do especially when you are doing the same thing but worse

The way things are going I really don't see the price of hive rising anytime soon of course I could be completely wrong 😂

I'm going to start buying back in at ten pence or below

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