What's behind the Corona hysteria?

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Corona is on everyone's lips .... uh no, please do not take literally! Because it is not so! But some get it with the fear to do. The shelves in stores are emptied. Disinfectants and toilet paper are almost only secretly available under the counter.

If you need money and still have a bottle of Sterilium lying around, you could sell it on eBay. There are sometimes even already opened bottles offered.

At least here in Germany, the emergency services were overloaded at times, because many coughing people called and wanted to know from the overtaxed people in the control center whether they had contracted the dreaded coronavirus. What about me? I stood in the pharmacy yesterday and learned that the medication I desperately needed had also been hoarded away. Oh great! So I had to awkwardly get an emergency ration from the hospital.

At the latest, when I arrived home completely late with kitchen paper instead of toilet paper and several blisters of my pills from a hospital pack, I too asked myself, "Guys, What the hell is behind this fear?"

What is behind the Corona Fear? Fear of losing control? Fear of dying?

Why is the human being at all so knitted that he is quickly afraid or even panics?


It is striking how often the subject of fear occurs in the Bible. Someone should have counted once that there is exactly 366 times something in it like: "Do not be afraid"! For every day in the year and on the leap day also. Thus the last Saturday was also covered.

Many Psalms were written by their authors out of fear. Paul and Silas, for example, were in jail when they started complimenting God. They praised God! It is remarkable that they started to do so only at midnight. So it took them quite a while to get rid of their fear and panic and to realize that fear and panic do not change their current situation. If anything, it makes it worse and more unbearable. At some point, they decided to look to God and He finally freed them from their fear.

And the Bible is full of such stories!!! First someone is afraid, then he decides to pull himself together, he turns to God, yells and scolds him sometimes and cries, but then he suddenly (!) starts to thank God for all the good things that have happened to him in life!

If you are afraid that you or your loved ones could fall ill with the coronavirus, then that is the way it is for now. That does not make you an idiot! And if you feel safer, and would rather have a few more packs of pasta in stock .... be my guest. But try not to get completely caught up in fears and worries. Lose yourself in it! I had to fight with panic attacks a long time ago and learned more and more to understand in such situations that fear is not a good advisor. And to really understand that during the anxiety situation, that's really not easy!!! Now and afterwards it is clear, but during ... hard stuff!

Still, my TIP is to look fear in the face, face it, and ask yourself, "What am I afraid of?"


I think behind the fear of corona and other diseases, there is often the fear of becoming deathly ill, suffering terribly and ultimately dying from it. Or losing someone close to you to it. If you've got tons of food supplies and medical stuff backed up, I ask you: are you better off now with your fear of it? I'm afraid not, right? I imagine it's more like sitting on pins and needles thinking, "Here we go!!!" As soon as there is then the next death or Kitas and schools are closed ... the media-hyped monster Corona comes closer!

Fears are always in the foreground and take away our ability to enjoy life and rejoice in the beautiful. My little dog barked like crazy outside and at some point I understood, it's bags that scare him. You have no idea what was going on when the yellow bags were picked up!!! I took away his fear by putting an empty yellow bag on the floor at home. It was just lying there. No wind blew into it like outside. So he lost the fear and now he runs around yellow bags outside and sniffs the first flowers that start to grow to greet the hopefully soon to break out spring.

If you want to fight fear, then find out what you are afraid of. Then think, what can you do to overcome this fear?


I have no more supplies than usual at home, but I have something that is stronger than death and takes away death's power! I have something, what I can oppose the fear!

Jesus asked during His Sermon on the Mount : "Which of you, by worrying, can prolong his life even one day?" (Matthew 6:27). In good German it means in relation to the fears: No matter how much you panic, you can change nothing at the end of the life. God is the one who sets the beginning and the end. So you can stop worrying! That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful ... it means you shouldn't worry! Read what it says.

Satan rubs his hands with joy!


I believe the devil's greatest desire is to break people apart - to take people away from God. Thanks to the Corona hysteria his hour seems to have come! Isolation is announced! We hoard the hut full, barricade the door and stay inside for the time being! We isolate ourselves! Just not to meet other people. Mass events like soccer games, concerts and also church services are canceled. Hardly any events where people gather to have fun together and to be there for each other. That's bad, isn't it?! All thanks to Corona? Let's see, which attack enemy is lurking next and drives us apart!

So people! Take a deep breath! If the media's scaremongering and their failure to name the flu Corona still instills respect in you, you can keep your distance for now to calm down and feel safer. But please don't become a hermit hamster!!! We humans are not made for that!

Corona isn't the enemy .... the enemy is fear!

Don't give it power over you!

Remember, you are stronger than fear and as for pandemics, real or fake, you should never forget God's word on all the threats of this world (Romans 8:31).


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