Western media have started a merciless infowar!

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Most of the wars are fought already long ago not only on the battlefield, much more the unleashed infowar of the lying mainstream media determines the measure of all things in the heads of naive citizens! The lie factory Hollywood is sent again in the battle for gullible naive ones into the fight. Of course, the "legend" of the noble heroes and poor victims on the one side, and the evil war criminals on the other side is immediately spread again to stir up hatred and increase the war lust of the citizens.

True to the vocation of an opinion and sentiment journalism, Europe's media have long since passed their verdict on the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. By the way, even before any soldier could start moving, Selenskyj, a trained actor and cabaret artist, is the great hero, i.e. the head of a country which until a few weeks ago was considered by the same media to be the most corrupt state in Europe!

Media generals like the Klitschkos, who made a name for themselves as boxers but play no particular role in Ukrainian politics, suddenly mutate into the heroic Iron Man on TV. The fact the EU has pumped a total of 15 billion euros into Ukraine to prop up these "elites", that this money seeped into "swamps of corruption" is concealed, just like other unwelcome FACTS in the West about Ukrainian forces, which would contradict the media narrative too much to be shown so easily to some brainwashed citizens.




So while members of a government that came to power illegally through the violent overthrow of democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014 are stylized as "heroes," Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov are seen as downright blood drinkers who eat little children for breakfast in Moscow's underworld. To reinforce this thesis, images of completely different wars from all kinds of countries and the past are brazenly presented to the audience as war crimes in Ukraine - as has already come out - in order to further incite people against Russia.

What is shown to an audience that is apparently considered stupid by the elites are pictures of a supposedly Russian tank rolling down a car in the middle of Kiev's streets. The fact that, as it later turned out, it was a Ukrainian tank that simply had an "accident" is deliberately concealed. Anyone who believes that Russia Today is a Russian propaganda station has never seen the Public Service Broadcasting in action on European soil, a broadcasting station in which Joseph Goebbels, the well-known clubfoot from Berlin and one of Hitler's closest confidants, would be delighted if he could still witness the goings-on of the employees there today.

Who needs old National Socialist state media like "Der Stürmer" when they can consume the state-run and much more efficient poison kitchens of the tormented fee-payers? You think NS comparisons would relativize the greatest crime against humanity? Yet such comparisons are all the rage on the part of the mainstream media! What else is it when Putin is equated with Hitler? There double-measures hypocrites have nothing at all against it and apply merrily their "double standards" without that relatives of the 6 million victims of the Nazi criminals can defend themselves against it!


  • It is concealed that unilateral sanctions also constitute a breach of international law.
  • It is concealed that BOTH parties to the conflict have broken the Minsk Agreement.
  • It is negated that Russia for years lodged its protest against NATO enlargement to the East.

In fact, the provoking West simply did not care about these perfectly legitimate concerns. Let him scream, this despot from the Kremlin, the main thing is to provoke him properly, and for this the American president and committed warmonger Joe Biden is also presented as a hero in the media parallel reality.

CONCLUSION: Officially, after all the wars of aggression in the Middle East, NATO is suddenly mutating in the media into a new "peace movement" that only wants to spread love and happiness, while the losers from Brussels, to the applause of elitist circles, are turning into a powerful organization that, with its sanctions which have been completely ineffective for years, only harms European citizens.

That's how beautiful and colorful the new legend is, or at least it would be, if only people themselves could believe anything at all after all these years of lies to the media.



Western mass media try to smear anyone and anything that doesn't fit the unnatural agenda of the New World Order.

Hi @josua1

Such a difficult past few years. Pandemic, lockdowns and now war. For so many people out there (Especially ukrainians) it must be a real nightmare.

I was wondering if you have any view on futute of Russia financial system (especially from the perpective or regular people) after interest rates has been hiked to 20%?

I can hardly imagine being able to pay any loans or morgage in similar situation. Especially while knowing, that all imported items will cost so much more since value of Rubel dropped so badly.

Any thoughts you like to share?

Cheers, Piotr

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