The rainy Saturday

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago
Hello friends,

Its my pleasure shearing my experience on a rainy Saturday morning. I woke up in the morning to behold the beautiful weather of the Saturday morning being 1st of May 2021 .

I have prepared to go to the market immediately am done with my house chores. I made my breakfast ,ate and took my bath and as i was coming down from the stairs, the weather automatically changed into a very gloomy weather and before I could go back to get an umbrella, it started raining and I could not wait for it to stopped because i thought that it was not serious.

On my way to board a vehicle, it started raining heavily that it even stopped me from going to the market again. I entered a nearby chop where i took shelter even a lady with a dog was not allowed to take shelter in the shop due to the dog and its bark and bite nature.

20210503_085734.jpg@jacci with an umbrella

After the rain stopped, there was traffic and i couldn't reach the market again. I entered a shop to buy a bag of rice but was very expensive and i decided to buy half a bag though there was a very massive increase of commodities in the country especially the south east part of the country.

20210503_090616.jpgme at the shop pricing a bag of rice

I came back home a bit late due to the rain and the road was something else due to its under construction state. It really rained cat and dog and the weather was very chilled all through the day.

Thanks for reading.

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