finally, I’m here..!!!! my self introduction

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Well well well! I’m so excited!!!

You may not believe that it takes me a days to finally make up my mind to post my 1st introduction on steemit Community. I was introduced to this community by my dear friend @trangbaby few days ago, but it was too difficult for me to learn something new at that moment, my mind was filled with a lot of worries. In addition to that, I'm a typical introvert, or should I say I am an ultra introvert individual who rarely shares personal feelings or information with others. At this point, I have to thank @trangbaby, @dora381 who helped me to finally break out of my comfort zone and step out of my shell. I have been a boring girl for a long time, now it's time to take action!



My name is Na, originally from Vietnam. Born in a small town on the highland, some people just know me as a mountain girl. I grew up loving and being raised by my mom, who is the strongest woman I've ever known. My dad passed away when I was 9 years old, she by herself has been working very hard to get enough money to send both of us to the University. I used to be a typical office lady who worked from 8-5, then going home, self-cooking a good meal, watching movies, surfing the internet,...That’s was a pretty good income job, plus the income from some of my investments, for a few years, I’d saved enough money to purchase a small apartment in the city where I worked, my life had been very easy but boring that way.


I love travelling, since I started earning money, I've always planned a budget for my travels with my ex-colleagues. I’d been to Viet Nam from the North to the South and several countries in Asia. I love nature, and also have passion to discover culture and cuisine in any destination I visit. When I learnt about culture, I learnt about people, too.


One day, I decided to have a big change in my life, I joined the Working Holiday scheme and luckily enough to get one spot to come to New Zealand where I met lynnnguyen, winnietran, trangbaby. My life suddenly changed to be a traveller, backpacker, wanderer. It was a memorable and interesting trip that I will never forget. I made many friends while on the way, experienced many things I had never seen before. I gained a new perspective on the world during the trip. Even though to go on that trip I had to give up my steady income job, stay apart from friends and family, and leave my beloved country, my life was filled with many interesting experiences.



Things changed quickly, I wouldn't have imagined that I'd be able to step foot in another country. Currently, I’m living in Sydney, Australia, where I found my love and consider it as my second home. I love trading and spend most of my free time for that. Working in the beauty industry, living a completely different way, never have I regretted a decision I made.


My friends who have joined Steemit Community have been showing their positive energy which makes me want to be like them. As well, I believe cryptocurrency and blockchain will be the future, so I should equip myself with more knowledge on those topics. That’s why today I’m here to say “Hello” to the Community and to become a part of it. Hopefully, together we can encourage more Vietnamese people to join this Community.



Hello lovely lady! 😊 Welcome to Steemit! 😊

This is an excellent introductory post, much better than the one I did when I first joined in the middle of 2017 and you have some amazing photos too. 😊

If you're looking for some suggestions on groups with positive people like yourself, I'd recommend both the #gratefulvibes and #innerblocks communities. 😊

God bless you. 😊 Have an awesome day! 😊

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @frostyamber on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

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