Story Time: A Great Warrior.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago (edited)


"Papa, why do we praise and adore Gufti always?, I heard that he shares the entitlements of this town with the King, what is the reason behind this?" asked Rotini, the son of one of the wise men in Luhak village. His papa answered "You will not be the only person to know about this, gather your friends to meet me under the mango tree in the backyard by evening".
Eagerly, Rotini informed his friends about the message of his Papa.
In the evening, many youth gathered under the mango tree, waiting for Rotini's Papa. Immediately he joined them, they all prostrated before him. He said "I know you all wonder why Gufti is so much respected in this town, I believe this is the best time to let you all know the reason behind it. Let's start with the childhood days of Gufti. Gufti, right from his childhood days has been powerful, this is as a result of his father being powerful.
On a fateful evening, Gufti and his friends were playing and accidentally ran into an enigma, his friends were frightened but Gufti wasn't. He approached the enigma and asked what it was doing in the human kingdom. The enigma told him that its kingdom has been taken over by more powerful enigmas, and most of them are currently facing the wrath of the more powerful enigmas.
Gufti wished he could help the enigma but was afraid he didn't wasn't powerful enough, he told the enigma to stay in one of the trees as trees were the homes for enigmas but it told him that their conquerors have banned them from living in any of the trees"
Paumi, one of the listeners interrupted, "how old was Gufti at that time". Papa, gently told Paumi to raise his hands when he wants to talk, and not to just cut in. Papa told them that Gufti was just 16 years old at the time.
To be continued, follow to get the rest of the story.

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