My presentation in steemit - I'm Gabriel

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Hello, steemit community

Receive my warmest greetings, friends of the great steemit community. My name is Gabriel, I am 27 years old and I am from Yaracuy State, Venezuela. I am a computer scientist by profession but an artist at heart. I graduated as a computer scientist at the University Institute of Technology of Yaracuy (IUTY) several years ago. I had the opportunity to start working in a company as a Sales Analyst, something not so related to my career, but that allowed me to get a little bit into the world of sales and commerce. I was good with numbers and knew how to use the computer tools required to work in the position, so without any work experience, as I was a recent graduate, I received the pleasant surprise that I had been hired.

I was in the position for a little more than three years, while I looked for a way to achieve financial independence. Finally, when I established my own business in a small shop not far from home, I resigned from that company. I worked hard in the business for several years, until I decided to close and rent the premises, as it was my own, in order to devote myself to other things.


My own business in its early days

As I mentioned before, I am an artist at heart. In my family, many of us have talent for different types of art, some draw, others are musicians, some are broadcasters and others are cooks, because yes, cooking is also an art. In my case, I consider that art has been present for most of my life and I should mention that I have dabbled in music, sculpture and more recently, writing.


My guitar and

I went to music school when I was little, so I learned to play two instruments, the guitar and the cuatro. Although I didn't finish my music studies for different reasons, I am a big fan of music and I still have my instruments, which I practice from time to time. On the other hand, one of the things that most influenced my inclination towards art was one of the first "toys" that my aunt gave me when I was in preschool, a box of plasticine.


Venom and Joker sculpture

Perhaps it may sound like something of little importance, but that box of plasticine allowed me to develop my skills as a sculptor. Since I was a child I used to make plasticine figures of many characters from TV shows I saw on TV, such as Power Rangers, Dragon Ball, among others; later, as a teenager, I began to make figures of higher quality and better materials, achieving quite interesting results, such as dragons, soldiers and emblematic characters like Iron Man, the Joker, among others.


Slash Guitarist and Iron Man Sculpture

Although I knew I had talent, in the end I could not afford to make sculptures as a hobby, as the materials were too expensive and difficult to find, so it was something I could not continue to develop even until now. I dedicated myself to finishing my studies and working to cover expenses.

Parallel to all that I have told, I used to participate in writers' forums, where I used to post really bad stories, but not bad because the stories were bad, but because I wrote them horribly bad, but good for my first attempts. As time went by, I forgot about that too, always keeping in mind that writing would be another art form in which I could express my creativity. But nowadays, I managed to rewrite some of those stories, but well written, along with some short stories that were liked by many, as I showed them to some colleagues at work and school. Unfortunately I lost my stories due to damages in the hard disk of my pc, with no option to recover them; however, my intention is to write them again to publish them at some point, because in my country it is not easy to publish a novel.

As details worth mentioning, I also like graphic design, something that goes well with my computer skills. For a long time I worked as a designer in web forums, designing for free all kinds of images that contributed to my development in this area. I also love nature and animals. I have had different kinds of pets such as chickens, turtles, cats and dogs; besides, I currently have a pet kitten and a vegetable garden in my backyard, which allows me to be in contact with nature and see the incredible path that a plant goes through from germination until it bears fruit.


My family

As far as my family is concerned, I grew up in a very nurturing environment, surrounded by many loving people. I have an older brother and a cousin who is even older, but I have a younger sister and an even younger cousin, so you could say I'm the middle child. We were raised with the thought that we should always train ourselves, learn a trade or study something to be able to support ourselves because, as parents and relatives used to tell us, they would not last us for life. That is why I believe that in life one never stops learning and no matter how much one knows about a subject, there is always something we do not know or ignore.

Finally, I hope to be able to contribute interesting things to the community about what I have learned and what I like. Likewise, I hope to learn a lot here and I'm sure I will, because there are talented people with things of great value to tell here. In this way I say goodbye until another topic, thanking everyone who took the time to read my presentation.

See you next time!


Gracias por escribir en español !
Estamos construyendo una comunidad para evitar el derribo de una casa historica , te agradeceriamos que te unieras a nuestra comunidad La casa del turron

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 3 years ago 

thank you

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