We live in a world of luxury.

in Account Booster 👍2 years ago


Who says that money can buy happiness? If a person finishes their biology degree, they earn more than those people without a degree do. If someone is financially stable and has security in their future, not only will they enjoy the comforts of life but also be certain that tomorrow is going to be good. Even so, the thing with money is: if it mysteriously starts to disappear, then everyone's worries appear too.

The history of finance has now entered an era that more closely resembles a zero-sum game whereby every dollar someone earns through financial capital stems from wealth being taken away from other speculators. Banks can create as much money as they want but we need to figure out how soon customers will start avoiding them and move towards credit unions or investing in stocks or cryptocurrency.

We live in a world of luxury, where everything we need is available at arm’s length. The trade-off for the high salary that comes with the job though, is to work every day with all aspects of our lives taken care of aside from time. This personal time becomes harder to come by with every day spent at a desk behind stacks of paper and desktop computer screens.

The millennial generation faces the challenge that many people face: working for what seem at the time to be destructive practices for the environment without any immediate value or connection to oneself whatsoever in return. This cycle continues because it provides money, not just happiness; money will never make man happy, nor will it ever provide everlasting joy or satisfaction that can match its toxicity.

Money is one of the essential parts of a meaningful life. In order to have this essential part, it has to go through the process of earning or taking. The wise will see that they will lose both their money and life if they get distracted from successful work. The lucky few who gradually accumulate great deals of money and get something close to happiness simply by dint of having obtained great wealth are rare exceptions

Money does not yield intrinsic meaning, but then again no single thing does in a world so abounding with riches as our own

One feels happy because he has something he can take pride in; his ability to nurse monetary feeds like a child feeding on a nipple

Women in particular are disadvantaged by the lack of work opportunities and gender-work inequality which lead them out of the workplace and into poverty. The Gender Employment Gap: Women and Men Have Different Jobs and Attitudes Men are more likely to take on jobs that are physically demanding with high pay, while women tend to take on jobs requiring flexibility with low pay. This gap in occupations explains the gender employment gap between men and women, which is 67% for those not employed but looking for work. The gender employment gap for those employed is 50% for men and 37% for women. Among those not employed, the gender employment gap is 67% for men and 53% for women. Male-dominated occupations include production occupations that involve moving materials to create finished goods (such as machinists, carpenters, and typesetters).

The phrase money cannot make one happy is often used to identify that a materialistic orientation, with all of the emphasis on external things, has limitations because it will never fully satisfy. There are several ways we can use money. Perhaps we buy a new car and derive self-confidence from this but just after a day, the feeling disappears as usual. Moreover, when one spends money as quickly as they arrive in their bank accounts, they don’t get any satisfaction or thrilled. Similarly when there are offers that make you feel humiliated that is also not fulfilling pleasure in life.

My journey to the world of crypto.

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