Green 💚 Mango 👌😍

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Seasonal Fruit Mango Nutritional Relationship Farah Masuda, Head of the Department of Food and Nutrition Science, Bangladesh Home Economics College, said, “Mango helps increase immunity. It contains a lot of beta-carotene and calories. ”

He added that vitamins are not found directly from vegetable ingredients, but beta-carotene acts as vitamin A. There are also plenty of calories, which build up energy in the body. Mango's iron, fiber, potassium, vitamin C and minerals help to keep the body healthy and strong.

Carotene keeps the eyes healthy and relieves colds and coughs. Raw mangoes contain 90 micrograms and ripe mangoes contain 8,300 micrograms of carotene.

Mango adds energy. It contains carbohydrates. Each 100 grams of raw mango provides 44 kcal and ripe mango provides 10 calories.

There is also iron which prevents anemia. Raw mango contains 5.4 mg and ripe mango 1.3 mg of iron.

Calcium builds bones, maintains bone and tooth health. Calcium is found in 10 mg in raw mango and 18 mg in ripe mango.

Vitamin C is available from mango. Vitamin C prevents scurvy. Vitamin C also helps maintain the health of teeth, gums, skin and bones. Farah Masuda said that 83 mg of vitamin C is found in every 100 grams of raw mango and 41 mg of ripe mango.

Mango contains vitamins B-1 and B-2. Vitamin B-1 is found in 0.04 mg of raw mango and 0.1 mg of ripe mango. Raw mangoes contain 0.01 mg and ripe mangoes contain 0.06 mg B-2.

Mango is also a source of various minerals. Each 100 grams of raw and ripe mango contains 0.5 grams of mineral salt.

I have some amount of protein and fat. Each 100 grams of raw mango contains 0.6 grams of protein and 0.2 grams of fat. Each 100 grams of ripe fruit contains 1 gram of protein and 0.8 grams of fat.

I have starch. 10.1 g of starch per 100 g of raw mango and 20.00 g of starch per 100 g of ripe mango.

The potassium present in ame eliminates anemia and helps to keep the heart active. This fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals which help in digestion.

Also enzymes like carotene, iso-carotene, estragalin, phycetin, gallic acid etc. help to prevent cancer.

Mango helps prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, anemia and prostate cancer.

Vitamin C in mango helps to keep the pores of the skin clean, which eliminates various acne and skin problems. Moreover, mango also helps to brighten the skin.

"Playing with ripe fiber relieves constipation," said Farah Masuda.

Pakaam helps to reduce the harmful levels of cholesterol in the blood. Sodium is excreted from the body due to sweating. It is possible to fill the sodium deficiency of the body by eating raw mango.

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