I Almost Gave Up

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Hello all! I hope you're having a wonderful day and thank you for reading my blog.


Here recently I had noticed that I've become more sedentary due to many circumstances in my life creating stress. When I stress I distance myself and sometimes just shut down physically. So I decided to do something about it and made a challenge for myself not only mentally but physically as well.

I decided to do a 30 day pushup challenge. The premise behind it, is to everyday do pushups and try to consistently be better the next day (which I technically made the rules because for some reason it didn't come to mind for me to just look up the challenge online to see if it already existed). Now doing pushups every day may sound easy for some of you but I'm not the best in shape nor worst but one of my hardest movements is a pushup because I have a bad shoulder. So this was going to be a challenge for me, even the consistency would be too.

Starting off it actually wasn't too bad, granted I was really sore after the first day because I went allll out, right off the bat I started to realize I shouldn't be pushing myself this hard starting off. So I eased in after that day only doing 30 pushups a day.

Day after day it was getting easier, I went from 30 to 50,60,70. But then after about a week in a half I lost it. Not because of my physical capabilities. But mentally and emotionally. I layed in my bed, wondering was this so called challenge even worth it? I'm out of shape and always will be because I'm inheritly lazy. Although I contemplated all day, except for going to work. I just thought and wondered if it even mattered. And then out of nowhere! Boom! My girlfriend asking me a question that motivated me "so, did you do any of your pushups today?" I was like what? Why are you asking me. Well turns out I wasn't the only one doing pushups daily. My beloved girlfriend who complains about having to get out of bed on a daily, was doing the challenge each step of the way with me.

That not only inspired me but drove me. Going through the rest of the challenge I had that simple but empowering question in my head "did you do any pushups today?". It pushed me to keep going cause I knew someone was with me not only physically but mentally, but was still pushing through.

After about 2 weeks into my challenge I was doing 150 pushups a day, but I decided to reset. I started focusing on the movement rather then just getting them over with.

I will say after it was all said and done, I did miss two days. But that is okay! Because I didn't give up, I messed up, fell down, but got back up. By the end of the challenge at my 30 day mark I was doing 150 pushups a day, consistently along with good form and a good pause at each rep. I gained muscle mass in both my arms and chest. I honestly love the way my chest looks now. But not only that, my close friend decided to jump on the challenge too because during that time I posted publicly. Inspiring people through my journey.

I've now done almost two straight months of pushups now, I do not have a goal this time for pushups but for myself. To always get better and never give up. I will one day look back and see where I came from and realize. Giving up is okay sometimes, but pushing through is okay too.

Thank you all so much!
Much love and be safe ♥️💕

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