The argument continues. And ends. yahweh is not the god of the bible fairytale. yahweh is El. Elyon gave El his inheritance, Israel.

in Account Booster 👍8 months ago


This is my last comment and it continues after here.

Crusher Hates You If You're A christtard FAGGOT

21 hours ago(edited)

You who stand before me, desiring destruction. My power shall destroy you, as you desire


Maybe there is with morning star translations. But the bible story is fake so who cares. Lucifer just means Light Bearer anyway. It wasn't an angel. Septuagint said Anthropos/Mankind/Man
Isaiah compared the King of Babylon to Venus, the light bearer visible before the Sun
Lux Fer = Light Bearer

Well I HAVE to answer that because you didn't understand a damn thing I said. I didn't say PAGANS believe in Elyon. Holy shit talk about uninformed
I was QUOTING the bible and torah, to you
I DID my research into bible words. On bible hub. Did YOU!?

Elyon MEANS Most High in O.T Hebrew. Go read it again
Elyown MEANS 'the Supreme -- Most high' in O.T Hebrew

I explained this over and over again. You really are an idiot. El is yahweh. El "The God Yahweh" El "the one only and true god of ISRAEL"

So that's great and all but you just made yourself look clueless there and y'know what I've got shit to do. So long. A parting gift, from the Goddess who led me to this knowledge that destroys you.

You know nothing of Paganism. I never said Freya came to Earth in human form. Us "Pagans" never used to give Gods and Goddesses human forms. Frisian women wore brooches or fibulas. There is a silver pendant found in Östergötland in Sweden, depicting Freya wearing a specific fibula type. So much for your theory. Persians!? No. FRISIANS!

To say jesus didn't exist is not exclusive to JEWS. Even if he did, he's a jew

I SAID, your jesus worships the same god as the jews and...if he IS the father, as you describe him, then he IS the god of the jews too. Funny. How your entire reality comes crashing down when you run into someone like me. Your entire belief system is being destroyed before your very eyes

yahweh is god of Israel. You said jews worship Satan. Meaning jesus and christians worship Satan, lmao. Your own bible destroys you. You're a jew. Aryan and christian don't mix
You have been destroyed





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Aryan Empire

10 hours ago

" I never said Freya came to Earth in human form."
I never claimed that you did, i stated the fact that your pitiful myths and fairytales don't claim that you fucking moron.

Fact is, paganism failed in Europe, especially the greco-roman branch, thats why Christianity was so necessary for us Europeans.
We have lost our Vril/Aryan Spirit/ Holy Spirit, call it whatever you want, Christianity gave it back to us.

El "The God Yahweh"
Then why do you say that EI gave Yahweh his inheritance like it's a different deity?
Elyown sounds very European, a bit celtic, maybe that is the name of the Allfather that was lost to time. So again, Allfather = Yahweh

The jews choose satan when rejecting Christ in the new testament, There is a reason why the NT is separated from the OT.
You can't comprehend that there is a change in affairs in the Bible at some point, but you are just to much of a fucking lolcow i guess.

You have misinterpreted so many quotes from the Bible, there is no reason why i shouldn't throw everything you have to say out the window about it.

"The Asiatic jews import blacks to the population."
This happens now that Christianity is weak, not when Christianity was in charge (or do you see this kind of stuff during the middle ages?)

Are you inironically buthurt about something that happened over a thousand years ago? LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

The guy who converted you was the Frisian Liudger, one of your own.

To think that the conversion was anything close to Hellstorm just shows that you are an utter fucking Nutjob. Your People, their Language and Traditions are in tact, you are being distracted from the true enemy and are mistaking your Shield and Sword against said enemy as the enemy.

Aryanism is a very gemanized form of Christianity, but it is still Christianity. If you want to convert to this branch of Christianity thats just fine.

The Frisians are under the Cross, and will remain so until the end of time.





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Crusher Hates You If You're A christtard FAGGOT

1 hour ago(edited)

Dood I don't wanna hear it. They're as credible-MORE credible than your bible fairytale is faggot. Fucking here we go again

You who so desperately seek destruction. As you wish, you shall be destroyed

You didn't know what I meant by Elyon AGAIN!
Elyon gave El/yahweh his inheritance. Elyon isn't El. Idiot
Elyon/Elyown is not European it's fucken Hebrew
I haven't "misinterpreted" anything. I didn't INTERPRET anything. I'm TRANSLATING words from English to Hebrew and the words mean things that YOU didn't know they mean. You are a stupid uninformed faggot that doesn't know what your bible really says, because YOU don't go to bible hub and look up what the words in the bible mean in Hebrew.
I'm never converting to christianity you fucking idiot. I'm Aryan. You're not Aryan.
The Germanic Soul was Aryan already, BEFORE the converting happened. It literally says the Goths and Vandals converted to a FORM of christianity that is more SUITABLE to the Germanic Soul, Aryanism.
The Germanic Soul is Aryanism. The form of christianity they converted to is more suitable TO ARYANISM!
GET IT FAGGOT? You can never mix them. You are either Germanic Aryan or you are christian. Not both.
While the Frisians stayed Aryan longer. It is said WODEN rides in the Soul of GERMANIC FOLK!


Of course a Frisian converted more Frisians. He was a converted apostle already. A race traitor. Just like you. That's why you're so fond of him.


You have no idea what the bible says cuz all you do is read it in English.
yahweh is not the god of the bible. He is the god of Israel/JEWS. Elyon MADE yahweh and the other gods and goddesses. yahweh made his archangels and angels.
jesus said you will not have your wife in heaven because you will be LIKE THE ANGELS. So say goodbye to your wife if you wanna go to that fucking version of the afterlife you worthless faggot


You have been destroyed.






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Crusher Hates You If You're A christtard FAGGOT

Just now(edited)





Until next time, HAIL FREYA! Goddess of the Nine Realms. She who has dominion over the power of Luck. Ruler of Seidr Magic. The Golden Goddess.


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