How can someone be more wrong than this? How? HnhnahahahaHAHAHA HAHA HA HA! HA HA HA! HURHURHAHAhahahahaha

in Account Booster 👍last year (edited)

The message he replied to is first. Now watch him own himself. He and his pagan friends totally made themselves look like abject fools. They don't know what the FUCK they're talking about! HA HA HA HA HA HA! AHHAHA HA HA!!! HNHNHRHRAHAHAHAhahahahaha...



1 day ago(edited)

"So the only thing you can tell me is that the Lord goes by many Names? Yeah we knew that already"

No. That's not what I said. And that's not what the text says. Elyon is not another name of yahweh. I'll prove it.
You are worshipping the wrong god. He is the jews god only. If you wanna worship something from the bible, it's the Highest One that made all other deities.

If you did your research, which it's clear you don't, you'd find that when you go to Strongs Concordance on bible hub and type in Elyon, or Elyown, yahweh is not listed in there. You can't find yahweh or THE LORD listed there.

But when you type in El, oh all of a sudden yahweh is listed there and the LORD is listed there. How bout that? HnhnahahaHAHAHAHA!!! WRONG AGAIN NUMBSKULL! WRONG AGAAAAIN!

It says in Daniel 7, The Vision Interpreted, that the saints of the HIghest One, will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come.

Saints = qaddish
Highest One = elyown. You highlight Highest One and it shows elyown, then you click on Highest One and it comes up as Elyon.
YOU CANNOT FIND YAHWEH OR THE LORD UNDER ELYON. Even the verses on the side all say "most High" "Highest One" "the Highest"
Same thing. No yahweh or THE LORD. None. I told you i was right. You didn't listen.

When you type in El, it has THE LORD and YAHWEH.

Whenever you see it say the LORD Most High, or the everlasting/eternal, the possessor of heaven and earth, who do you think is writing that? Who's calling him that? DA JOOZ. They tell us their god is the one true god all the bloody time. The bible calls yahweh god of Israel many times. Do you believe jews god is the supreme? Everlasting/eternal means living long and not necessarily forever, not immortal.

Spirits, don't, die. HELL anyone? So, I'M everlasting then.

Only, my mind exists in this place. You who so desperately seek destruction. As you wish, you shall be destroyed.



Aryan Empire

43 minutes ago

Yeah Yeah you are having a hissifity again, motivated reasoning, no credibility you are predictable.

You claim that the Aryan Spirit is bound to miek paganism, and that Christianity is contrary to that.
But neither the Historical trackracord of Christian Europe, nor the contents of Christianity adds up with that.
Hey, but you didn't want to talk about History the moment you realized it debunks you.

But hey, let's rather listen to the lolcow who thinks that you have to be a "Radical Centrist" to be Ns, right?

The only thing you have in common with the pagans is that you lost to Christians.

You think Charlemagne was a bad guy, but he was one of Hitlers idols. The whole Thousand year Reich is based on the Holy Roman Empire btw.

The Most High/Elyon/El/Yahweh/Allfather
There, fixed it for you, you are welcome.

".You simply believe what you want to believe"
Says the guy who dissregards the IE Invasions.

"Woke college professors that call it a racist invention. Appeal to authority says Aryanism is fake."
Those woke people hate Christianity to, call it by all the same names, they are wrong about both.
But i dont base my claims on them, i rely more on Survive The Jive and The Golden One on such things. (IE for example).

13 is an unlucky number in paganism btw.
In the feasts held by the Gods, they would have 12 members and Loki would barge in and start causing drama and chaos and demanded that a 13th seat was saved for him.

"Christians are evil because you went and forced people to convert and killed people to do it. We didn't. That's why you're bad."
No that's why you are weak and deserved extinction faggot.

I showed my pagan friends (actual pagans) what you had to say about the topic of paganism and European Origins, and the only thing they had to say about you was Rangan Átrúnað. Fits you pretty well tbh.

I schooled you on History and mocked you for your delusions.

Heil Christus, Heil Hitler





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Just now(edited)

How embarrassing. You just can't resist showing what a beginner you are

yawn Calling it a hissyfit doesn't make it one

I gave you evidence. And no, I don't need to discuss every event involving christians throughout history, when proving yahweh is the jews god, makes all that and the "track record" irrelevant

I showed in the bible where jews called their god yahweh dozens of times. You're in denial

Their story/bible/jesus are fake. Moshiach, Star of Remphan/David, is what they worship

The 3 Abrahamic faiths were invented by jews. Even islam. Psy-ops

The catholic church was created by jews to sell their talmudicism outside of the Rabbinical class, to bring it into Edom/Rome, what the Rabbinical class calls the entire west Europeans, to make you subservient to jews

So what if college professors say that about christianity? They're right. The right are worse than the left and I'm neither

White nationalists also believe Hitler wasn't a christian. It's a war of white VS brown. Europe, the entire west, VS jews


OOOO 13 is unlucky in paganism huh? And, your PAGAN friends say Freyas planet isn't Venus, huh?

"Celtic and Norse people believe that 13 is a LUCKY number, often Friday the 13th was a celebration to the Goddess FREYA, Friday is named after Freya which is the Norse name for Venus, and guess what 13 is her number"

HA! You're not doing so well


13th seat. And? Your point?

12 Apostles. The 13th seat for jesus. Oh but 13 is "unlucky" Ha. Fool. You're an amateur compared to me

This isn't hard. Runologists describe the Runes and Fehu, governs Luck. Fehu, is Freyas primary Rune in Freyas Aett

"Freya’s aett is the first family of runes in the Elder Futhark. It begins with the rune called Fehu"

"Fehu is actually the rune of ‘luck’. Luck is a hidden but real energy field inherent in your ‘hamingja’. Fehu governs the capacity to hold this luck and use it like a magical ability"

Freya cool ass pic.jpg

No, not forcing conversion doesn't warrant extinction. You're just evil murderers





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