Side hustle that helps a lot when you are really down.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


The concept of investing is innovative but let's face it it's not for everyone, this hustle never stops and once you're part of a bigger society you may be subject to bigger gains than what you can imagine.


Investing as I have learnt is not for the faint hearted so imagining a hussle where the value comes in and doesn't leave at will.

Trust me digging the garbage is not an ideal job expecially when you aren't getting paid by any institutions or government to do so. When I was working I had to take leave for a dental operation that had needed to be performed but the company I was working for would not have this. This is not the reason why I have dismiss myself from providing them with my service.

My surgery cost me around N$60 000 dollars Nad Which today is the equivalent of $4,029.43 United States Dollar... Yes this is quite a few cents but I have managed to pay more then half of this even without having an occupation.

Now all I need is $300 USD to finish this account I am having some truble generating a sustainable income of Steem but soon it may pay off...

On average I make about 0.67c United States Dollar for every 1 kilogram I produce... We have no stimulus, basic income grant's or support form our government so I will have to improvise so I also sell sweet's and ice 🍨 from home while managing a small binance account trying to get it to 1K by the end of this year...

Next time I will get you more shots 📸 of me collecting some aluminium cans see our population is quite small our country has only about 3 million occupants as far as I know so the amount of people drinking cool drink may be cut in half compared to those people in bigger state's...

This is equivalent to 9.40 United States Dollar when conversations are implemented at this time this may change.

Some day I will finnish my payment then I will be happy... Thank you for reading my article...

For Donations refer to my Tron account at:



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