DCity NFT Farming Game Passive Income Growing Day by Day

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

DCity NFT Farming Game is getting more profitable for me day by day. My daily liquid Hive rewards is increasing 1% everyday. It is growing day by day...

I am holding all my daily $SIM income to increase my SIM power. My SIM Power is also increasing 1% everyday...

Ekran Resmi 20220120 00.14.06.png

My goal is to reach more than 1 liquid Hive in a day. When I reach this target, I may start to sell my daily $SIM income. I get 4000 $SIM in a day. It is equal to 3,5 USD.

So I may get 5 USD in a day in DCity.

I invested this game 1800 USD totally and I get 5 USD passive income in a day. It is good ROI.

Ekran Resmi 20220120 00.17.46.png

I hope DCity will be more popular by its ROI. It is more than DeFi. If you are interested in DeFi, You can look DCity for fun game...

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